CCG continues to conduct two-way research on corporate globalization, the "go global" movement and inwards investment. Our research includes topics including U.S.-China trade, international trade, inbound investment, outbound investment and digital trade in an international context.
CCG is constantly looking for more ways to promote global free trade and has taken the lead in promoting China's participation in the CPTPP and publishing a series of relevant research reports. In addition, CCG's research team compiles and publishes the only Chinese blue book report on the globalization of Chinese enterprises: Chinese Enterprises Globalization, published by China Academy of Social Sciences Press.
CCG has also published a series of books on the globalization of enterprises in both English and Chinese, including Report on Development of Overseas Chinese Entrepreneurs, Rising Tide: 40 Years of Chinese Enterprises Going Global, China Goes Global and The Globalization of Chinese Enterprises. CCG also holds the China Outbound-inbound Forum, the most influential forum in China focusing on the development and globalization of enterprises.
CCG has set up several sub-forums on international issues related to international trade and investment, gathering leaders of multinational enterprises, ambassadors to China, former government officials, heads of international organizations and chambers of commerce, experts from top international think tanks and other influential people from home and abroad. In-depth discussion with renowned scholars has helped to develop the event into a high-end international forum for promoting the globalization of enterprises.
The President of the US-China Business Council: The Impact of Decoupling on US Employment
The transition in trade policy from the Trump era to the Biden era, while maintaining certain themes, will be very different. In terms of employment, the trade war caused job losses and the Phase One agreement and the elimination of tariffs on both sides will lead to job creation.
June 15 , 2022 -
Prospects for China-US Trade: Seeking a rational resolution via the “Argentina Consensus”
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June 24 , 2019 -
CCG Report: China-US Trade Relations and Challenges: Past, Present, Future and Policy Options
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September 25 , 2018 -
12 Suggestions for Building Stable, Balanced and Win-win Sino-US Relations Based on Key Finding of CCG Field Trip in US
As the 19th CPC National Congress was concluded, China will welcome Donald Trump on Nov. 8 to pay his first official state visit as the American president. Once again, the Sino-US summit meeting will attract tremendous attention from all over the world. To get more insights about the upcoming American presidential visit and strengthen the Sino-US think tank exchange, CCG conduted a field trip to the United States in October in New York and Washington, D.C.. The delegation visited multiple government agencies, NGOs, think tanks, and companies and met with many prominent policymakers, scholars and business leaders.
February 27 , 2018 -
CCG Report—Infrastructure Cooperation-New Opportunities for China-US Relations
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April 05 , 2017