CCG Ambassador’s Roundtable Series “China and Pacific Alliance”
On December 13, 2021, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) held the CCG Ambassador’s Roundtable Series “China and Pacific Alliance: The Next Decade of Regional Cooperation” at its headquarters in Beijing.
December 13 , 2021 -
CCG holds seminar on “Twenty years of China’s WTO membership
On 13 December 2021 in Beijing, an international seminar on the 20th anniversary of China’s accession to the WTO titled “Twenty years of China’s WTO membership: from integration to interaction” was co-hosted by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), the Network for International Trade and Investment System (NITIS), and China Institute for WTO Studies, UIBE.
December 13 , 2021 -
Wang Huiyao in Dialogue with Yale Economist Stephen Roach
On December 8, 2021, CCG hosted a virtual dialogue between Prof. Stephen S. Roach, Senior Fellow at Yale University and former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia, and Dr. Wang Huiyao, CCG President. Topics of discussion touched upon reflections on the relationship in 2021 and insights on economic relations, causes of the trade war between the two countries, as well as advice for managing and stabilizing this critical bilateral relationship.
December 08 , 2021 -
CCG holds Sixth Annual China Global Think Tank Innovation Forum
Beijing, 7 December 2021. The Sixth Annual China Global Think Tank Innovation Forum 2021 brought together international delegates from academia, think tanks, and NGOs from more than 10 countries to exchange insights on key issues of international relations and innovative ways of developing global think tanks. This forum was hosted by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) and co-organized by the State Grid Energy Research Institute. The Beijing Dongyu Globalization Think Tank Foundation, Our Hong Kong Foundation, The Asia Foundation, and Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung were partners for the event.
December 07 , 2021 -
Wang Huiyao in dialogue with CSIS President John Hamre
On December 7, 2021, a Special Opening Dialogue was hosted by CCG during the 6th Annual China Global Think Tank Innovation Forum 2021. A meaningful China-US think tank exchange was held between Dr. Wang Huiyao, CCG founder and president, and Dr. John Hamre, president and CEO of the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and former US Deputy Secretary of Defense.
December 07 , 2021 -
Wang Huiyao in dialogue with Lord Jim O’Neill and Leslie Maasdorp on the BRICS and global governance 2.0
On December 2, 2021, CCG hosted Lord Jim O’ Neill, coiner of the “BRIC” acronym and former Chairman of Chatham House and Commercial Secretary to HM Treasury of the UK, and Leslie Maasdorp, Vice President and CFO of the New Development Bank, to join an online dialogue with CCG President Wang Huiyao on topics related to the development of BRICS and the NDB, regionalization and globalization, and global governance issues including health policy.
December 02 , 2021 -
CCG and Xinhuanet jointly release report of CCGCII
Download PDF In recent years, the “go global” strategy has spurred new trends and developments in global c
December 01 , 2021