Endorsements of China and Globalization in the 21st Century

June 21 , 2022

■ Endorsements


“CCG is at the forefront of studies on trends and debates about globalization, not only in China, but in the entire world. At a time when the traditional form of globalization is in crisis, and passing to a new phase led by non-Western powers like China, this new book commands serious worldwide attention.”

Amitav Acharya

Distinguished Professor of International Relations

American University, Washington DC

“In this time when fundamental decisions are being made about the future of the world, Dr. Wang and Dr. Miao are giving us a much-needed reminder of the benefits globalization has brought to countries around the world. In the heat of the moment, it is easy to be overwhelmed by short- and long-term trends that challenge the very idea of globalization. The continuing economic disruptions caused by Covid and by the war in Ukraine raise questions about the resilience of what was seen as a benevolent global system. More fundamentally, rising inequality in the US and Europe has led to anti-globalist political movements. And, many Western politicians see constraints on globalization as a way to thwart China’s long-term economic and political rise.

China and Globalization in the 21st Century not only documents the huge benefits of world globalization over the last decades. It also lays out a plan going forward to show how the world can overcome the current challenges while still seizing the on-going benefits of globalization. Their in-depth analysis of China’s role in furthering world prosperity and peace as part of a global system is a unique contribution to a discussion that is often dominated by Western voices.This book is a must-read for thinking through policies for the coming decades.”

David Blair

Former Chairman of the Economics Department and Professor of Economics and Finance Eisenhower School of National Defense University in Washington

“The work of Dr. Wang Huiyao and Dr. Lu Miao and CCG continues to provide an important source of dialogue and understanding between Chinese and the outside world. This is increasingly necessary as the world confronts a range of issues from climate change to global security that are unprecedented in their complexity and scale. The platform that the CCG provides and the spirit in which it does this have huge value and will continue to do so onto the future.”

Kerry Brown

Professor of Chinese Studies and Director

Lau China Institute, King’s College London

“Economic globalization has benefited many countries in the world, including both developed and developing countries, but globalization has been facing a number of challenges in recent years. One of these is the rise of populism in Europe and North America, and one of its key demands is de-globalization. Today, the argument that globalization is coming to an end is in full swing. The world is at a new crossroads, and all countries need to work together to address global challenges and prevent the world from falling back into confrontation. Against this backdrop, the publication of the latest book China and Globalization in the 21st Century by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao is both important and timely. It is well worth reading!”

Feng Zhongping


Institute of European Studies of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

“The latest round of global economic integration has greatly contributed to the rapid growth of global wealth and world GDP, but it has also brought about wealth inequality, including uneven distribution between countries as well as a serious uneven distribution of wealth between socioeconomic groups within countries, especially in developed countries. This has led to an uptick in populism, trade protectionism, and unilateralism around the world in recent years that have become a major challenge for globalization. Is globalization coming to an end? What new thoughts, ideas and models are needed for the next round of globalization? China and Globalization in the 21st Century offers valuable reflections, ideas and paths that are valuable for reference, research or consideration.”

Fu Chengyu

Former Chairman of Sinopec Group

Professor of Management Practice of Governance and Innovations at Large Corporations, CKGSB

“Where is globalization heading? This is a major question that is being actively considered among political, business and academic communities the world over. With the outbreak of the crisis in Ukraine, the debate on the future of globalization has become even more intense. In this context, the release of China and Globalization in the 21st Century by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao is certainly a good thing. Both authors are known for their distinctive Chinese views and strong global sentiments, and I believe that this book will also provide rare insights for those who are concerned about the fate of globalization.”

Gu Xuewu

Director of Center for Global Studies

University of Bonn

China and Globalization in the 21st Century follows the major trends of our times and analyzes the inseparable relationship between China’s development and globalization in recent decades both historically and in practical terms, which is refreshing and worth reading.

In looking at the course of China’s efforts to modernize through reform and opening up, one notices that this upward curve nearly overlaps with the course of development in globalization. China is a beneficiary, contributor and defender of globalization and the system of global governance that goes hand in hand with it. While globalization has been dealt a blow by anti-globalization sentiments, and today’s international landscape and system of global governance are in tatters, there is hope that Globalization 2.0 will change this situation and provide a new structure and rules for systems of global governance.

A new world needs new ideas, new concepts and new solutions. China firmly supports a new mode of globalization and reshaping of global governance. It also has the determination and confidence to make its due contribution, as a great power, to the future of globalization.”

He Yafei

Former Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of China

Former Deputy Director of the Overseas Chinese Affairs Office of the State Council

“This academic monograph is comprehensive, profound, innovative, and forward looking. While both domestic and foreign scholars have written extensively on globalization, there are still very few papers on globalization that take both Chinese characteristics and global perspectives. The authors, Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao, have gathered the achievements of domestic and foreign think tanks and accumulated more than 20 years of practical experience, resulting in achievements in the field of academics and driving policy debate. Both professional and non-professional readers will find a window into the world of globalization and path of exploration after reading this book. As we face trends toward de-globalization, the confidence and strength that this book inspires is especially meaningful in reassuring us that globalization is irreversible!”

Huang Renwei

Executive Vice Dean

Fudan Institute of Belt and Road & Global Governance

“It can be said that China and Globalization in the 21st Century by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao is coming to us as a right on time delivery. The authors are accurate in claiming that globalization process is irreversible. They are correct to argue in favor of making it more inclusive to enable more nations and people to share the fruits of economic development fueled by global connectedness. No other country has gained as much from globalization as China, due to intelligent and pragmatic socio-economic policies and wise, knowledge-based development strategies. Hence, the authors’ balanced suggestions on what other countries may learn from China’s experience are of great importance. The sooner this book will be available in English and other languages, the better for professional academic debate and pragmatic economic policy.”

Grzegorz W. Kolodko

Professor, Kozminski University

Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Poland

“Facing profound changes on a scale unseen in a century, the United States has turned from an advocate of globalization into a driver of anti-globalization. This is despite the fact that becoming more developed to catch up with developed countries is the goal of all developing countries and trade resulting from globalization is mutually beneficial to all countries. China, as a beneficiary of globalization and the largest trading nation in the world today, should continue to advocate globalization in collaboration with non-hegemonic developed countries as well as developing countries to promote mutually beneficial trade as well as the rapid development of developing countries, which will help to build a global community of shared future with shared prosperity.

This new book by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao examines the history and theories of globalization, and proposes feasible solutions to promote a new type of globalization in the post-COVID era. It is an excellent reference for anyone concerned about the future of China and the world.”

Lin Yifu

Honorary President, National School of Development

Director, Institute of New Structural Economics

Director, Institute of South-South Cooperation and Development, Peking University

Former World Bank Senior Vice-President and Chief Economist

“When future historians write about our time, they will certainly say that the single biggest event that changed the course of history was the brave decision of China to plunge into the ocean of globalisation. As President Xi said in Davos in January 2017, ‘To grow its economy, China must have the courage to swim in the vast ocean of the global market.’ Against this backdrop, the release of this book on China and Globalisation could not be more timely. The world will hope that an English language edition will appear soon. The model of globalisation which this book promotes, based on ‘the values of openness, inclusiveness, fairness, pluralism and sustainability’, can and should be embraced by the world.”

Kishore Mahbubani

Former Permanent Representative of Singapore to the United Nations

Distinguished Fellow, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore

“Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao reinforce their status as being exceptional in global thought leadership with this book, China and Globalisation in the 21st Century. The world is faced with an array of potential catastrophes – each of which could deeply damage or even destroy humanity. Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao stand out through the urgency they display driving their research, speaking and writing about solutions that could create a sustainable and peaceful path for the evolution of the world. Their thinking is a crucial contribution to the dialogue needed to influence all global leaders and government. In that context, this book is required reading for those seeking innovative policies for governance that can avert disaster in our world.”

Alistair Michie

Secretary General, British East Asia Council

“Globalization is becoming more regional and different regions of the world will take on stronger regional characteristics. Enterprises should adapt by focusing less on the export of products and instead focus more on becoming multinational corporations. Faced with the challenges of COVID-19 and other changes unseen in a century, it is essential that enterprises maintain their confidence in globalization and understand the impacts of post-pandemic trends in globalization. The new book China and Globalization in the 21st Century from the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) provides us with an overall picture of post-pandemic developments in globalization, especially in terms of China’s solutions to promote globalization. This provides Chinese businesses with insights into the big picture, which enable them to think about new business opportunities and link the development of business, China and globalization.”

Song Zhiping

Chairman, China Association for Public Companies (CAPCO)

Former Chairman, China National Building Material Group

“The Russia-Ukraine conflict has made people worry that globalization is coming to an end. At this critical moment, the publication of China and Globalization in the 21st Century, authored by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao, shows us that a new form of globalization that has a positive impact on society is possible and that China will be the driving force in this process. Through deeply historical analysis, a refining of economic logic and explanations of political decision making, this book provides a ‘strategic prescription’ for China to promote globalization in a new era. This book is an important reference for those who make strategic decisions, a realistic guide for those who implement policies, and a cognitive guide for those who are watching global trends. It is well worth reading.”

Su Hao

Director, Center for Strategic and Peace Studies, China Foreign Affairs University

“Concerned people have been asking if globalization coming to an end. The answer to this and more can be found in the new book China and Globalization in the 21st Century by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao. Globalization has reached a new point in its history where inherent inequalities have made it unsustainable, but the answer to this is upgrading globalization, not proclaiming an end to it! China, one of the biggest beneficiaries of globalization, has both a responsibility and an opportunity in the continued promotion of globalization in today’s changing context, and to work with governments around the world to find a new path of globalization that is fairer and more inclusive. The most important feature of this book is that it proposes a series of practical, win-win policies and strategies suitable for all countries. It is well worth reading.”

Tang Min

Counsellor to the State Council of China

Vice Chairman, China Social Entrepreneur Foundation

“As a latecomer and beneficiary of globalization, China has become a key supporter and leader in the future of globalization, bringing with it thousands of years of civilization and the expectations of more than a billion Chinese people. It is easy to be the icing on the cake, but difficult to provide, so this is the best time to show Chinese wisdom and power when globalization is facing serious challenges. Since its foundation, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) has been advocating China’s increased integration into globalization, and is now putting more effort into China’s support of globalization. This new book presents CCG’s deepest insights to-date on the root causes of the crisis facing globalization, and proposes a visionary action plan for China to participate in bringing globalization back from the brink. This is a worthy read for anyone are concerned about globalization and even the future of humanity.”

Tu Xinquan

Dean, China Institute for WTO Studies, University of International Business and Economics

“The global COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the health of hundreds of millions of people and the Russia-Ukraine conflict has exacerbated shortages in global energy and food supplies and caused volatility in financial markets. This is evidence that globalization is accelerating, not stagnating. While globalization certainly has its negative side effects, there is a greater need for countries around the world to respond to it in a positive manner. This new book revisits the issue of globalization from a number of different perspectives and many of its assertions are thought- provoking. The authors call on China to take the initiative in leading globalization and stay ahead of the times, which is in line with both traditional Chinese ideals and practical national interests.”

Wang Jisi

Professor, School of International Studies

President, Institute of International and Strategic Studies, Peking University

“There is no doubt that China is the biggest beneficiary of globalization. This book not only describes the enormous social and economic changes that globalization has brought to China, it also emphasizes China’s resolve to cooperate with other countries to support globalization and promote its development. The authors also propose many forward-looking and useful suggestions for China’s future development. This book is ambitious and informative, examining China’s attempt to explore a progressive path of globalization that incorporates Chinese wisdom and solutions to a new wave of globalization and global governance in a rational way that is win-win. A contribution from Chinese scholars, this will be a powerful contribution to the study of globalization.”

Wang Ning

Dean, School of Humanities, Shanghai Jiao Tong University

Foreign Associates, Academy of Europe

“Economic globalization is a historical trend, and in an era of global integration, there are no outsiders. Faced with the overlapping of COVID-19 and other changes unseen in a century, the problems and contradictions that face globalization must be dealt with head on to ensure that economic globalization can more effectively benefit people all over the world. China has long been an important participant in globalization and as long as it continues on the path of reform and opening up, globalization will not come to an end. The Center for China and Globalization (CCG), founded by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao, was born out of China’s reform and opening up experience, and it is playing an increasingly important role in globalization. Facing complex domestic and international challenges, the question of how to build a global community with a shared future for mankind relies on the contributions of think tanks like CCG. Thoughtful and forward-looking, China and Globalization in the 21st Century is a timely publication that is well worth reading.”

Wang Shi

Founder and Honorary Chairman of BOD, Vanke Group

“Globalization has released the vibrant energy resulting from China’s process of reform and opening up, and China’s participation in globalization has brought it huge dividends. As the country enters a new era, China has transitioned from a beneficiary to a leader and from a rule maker to a spiritual forgemaster of globalization. It has transitioned away from a model of unbridled capital expansion and a technological powerhouse to create a model globalization that serves the people by proposing global development initiatives like the ‘Belt and Road’. The core value of globalization is to build a global community with a shared future. Among global think tanks, ‘globalization looks to China, and China looks to CCG’. This book provides a systematic, dialectal and in-depth analysis of China’s wisdom, solutions and power as it pertains to globalization. I strongly recommend it.”

Wang Yiwei

Jean Monnet Chair Professor and Associate Dean, Academy of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, Renmin University

Director, Institute of International Affairs, Renmin University

“The Center for China and Globalization (CCG) is one of China’s most active think tanks in studying economic globalization and has made important contributions to promoting communication and understanding between China and the international community. As a beneficiary of economic globalization, China is making its own contribution to the sustainable development of globalization. This book reviews the impact of COVID-19 on economic globalization, summarizes the main paths of China’s participation in globalization, and proposes Chinese solutions to maintain the development of globalization. I believe that this book will provide important insights for policy makers, researchers studying international relations and general readers alike.”

Wang Yong

Professor, School of International Studies

Director, American Studies Center, Peking University

“At a time when the international community is overshadowed by COVID-19 and the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, many people are still concerned about where globalization is heading. Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao provide answers to this question with a broad perspective and detailed analyses in the new book China and Globalization in the 21st Century. They not only provide a systematic review of China’s integration into globalization, but also engage in an in-depth discussion of China’s efforts to drive the inclusive and equitable development of globalization based on the ‘three pillars’ and ‘seven paths’ of globalization. This is a contribution to the thinking on the future of globalization by a new generation of Chinese think tanks.”

Xue Lan

Dean, Schwarzman College, Tsinghua University

“Where globalization is heading? Is it coming to an end? From the perspectives theory and practice as well as the authors’ own experience in global governance, this book answers serious questions and offers forward-looking ideas and suggestions on the multifaceted interaction between China and globalization in the 21st century, with far-sighted arguments and thought-provoking insights!”

Xue Xiaoyuan

Professor and Director, Research Institute for Globalization and Cultural Development Strategies, Beijing Normal University

“In recent years, with the spread of global economic crisis from Western countries to the whole world, voices against globalization and regional cooperation have become louder and louder, and developed countries led by the United States have taken the opportunity to promote conservatism, isolationism and unilateralism. The outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian war as well as the ensuing sanctions and counter-sanctions have made the road of globalization even more difficult and challenging!

Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao have been studying topics related to China and globalization for a long time and have amassed a wealth of research and become a unique resource for research in this field! Their latest book China and Globalization in the 21st Century profoundly clarifies the fundamental judgement that the process of globalization has suffered a major setback, but remains irreversible. It convincingly reveals the objective fact that China is both a beneficiary of and a contributor to globalization. The two authors make full use of the vast amount of data and facts at their disposal to argue that China’s modernization and the future of globalization are still mutually reinforcing and that, ultimately, all members of society shares the same fate.

On the occasion of the forthcoming publication of this new book, I hope that Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao will make more and greater achievements in this field, and that China will make new and greater contributions to society by participating more widely and deeply in the new phase of globalization, thus promoting and guiding its healthy development.”

Yu Hongjun

Former Vice Minister, International Department, Central Committee of CPC

Visiting Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Guangzhou University

Author of Understand the Profound Shifts Unseen in a Century

“Two decades ago, the path of globalization was a wide, flat and straight road with flowers on both sides. As an active participant, follower and contributor in recent globalization, China should play an even greater role at a time when the path of globalization has become twisted, bumpy and even precarious. The three pillars and seven paths for promoting globalization proposed by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao in their book China and Globalization in the 21st Century are an eloquent and concrete expression of China’s unique role.”

Zhang Yuyan

Professor, School of International Political Economics

University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

“The rise of China is a benefit of globalization, but a rising China has also made significant contributions to globalization. In recent years, the slowdown in or even reversal of globalization has given rise to many new issues, especially in terms of China’s response and countermeasures. Taking a unique Chinese perspective on globalization, China and Globalization in the 21st Century aims to seek new ways of promoting dialogue between China and the world, exploring new paths for the development of globalization, and thereby helping globalization get back on track. I highly recommend it to both Chinese and foreign readers worldwide who are interested in this important issue.”

Zhao Suisheng

Tenured Professor, Korbel School of International Relations, University of Denver

Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Contemporary China (English edition)

“The publication of China and Globalization in the 21st Century by Dr. Huiyao Wang and Dr. Lu Miao is a big event for the Center for China and Globalization (CCG). For many years, CCG made significant contributions to China’s globalization. This is the fruit of both authors’ thoughts on this important subject. Unlike the relatively isolated economy it was before reform and opening up, China is now the world’s second largest economy, which is thanks to its participation in the process of globalization. The world has changed China, and China has also changed the world. A good study of this process will make a huge contribution to both academic and policy research, and that is precisely the role the two authors play here. This book is full of insights that readers will benefit from.”

Zheng Yongnian

Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

Director, Qianhai Institute of International Affairs

■ Contents

Introduction V

Chapter One Where Globalization is Heading?

Globalization at a Crossroads 004

Problems with Globalization in the Past 007

Where Should Globalization Go? 013

Chapter Two The Transition and Theoretical Development of “Globalization”

What is Globalization? 025

Theoretical Development of Globalization 031

New Forms of Globalization in the Post-pandemic Era 036

Chapter Three Paying it Forward: China’s Changing Role in Globalization

China and Globalization through the Ages 051

China as a Beneficiary of Globalization 056

China as a Contributor to Globalization 062

Chapter Four People-centered Globalization: The Role of Overseas Chinese and Returnees

China’s View on People-centered Globalization 077

Overseas Chinese Communities: Building a Bridge Between China and the World 085

How Can China Promote People-centered Globalization? 093

Chapter Five Establishing an “Asian Union” from the “Chopsticks Culture Circle”

Elements of “Confucianism” in the “Chopsticks Culture Circle” 111

The Practical Basis for Establishing an “Asian Union” 121

Fundamental Concepts in Building an “Asian Union” 140

Chapter Six The “Belt and Road” as a New Platform for Multilateralism

The “Belt and Road” Initiative 155

A New Concept for the “Belt and Road”— Multilateralization 163

Practical Steps to Multilateralizing the “Belt and Road” 167

Chapter Seven Deepening New South-South Cooperation

Opportunities and Challenges for South-South Cooperation 180

BRICS: A New Extension of the World Order 183

Chinese Cooperation in Africa and Latin America 195

Promoting South-South Cooperation Promotes Global Multilateralism 209

Chapter Eight China and Europe: A Cornerstone of Multi?lateral Cooperation

Working Towards Legalization and Standardization 221

The Future of China-Europe Relations 227

Future Prospects for Cooperation Between China and Europe 234

Chapter Nine China and the US: How to Keep Competition Healthy

Sino-US Relations in Transition 245

From Trump to Biden 253

The Future of Sino-US Relations: Cooperation or Rivalry? 270

Chapter Ten New Patterns of Global Governance and the Role of China

Global Governance — A Product of the Era of Globalization 294

Dilemmas Facing Global Governance Today 300

New Patterns of Global Governance and the Role of China 314

Conclusion 343

References 353

CCG Global Dialogue Series 359

Afterword 363

■ Introduction

It’s hard to believe that since COVID-19 appeared in 2020, more than 500 milliona cases have been confirmed around the world and it continues to spread. The question of when this pandemic will end remains unanswered and, unlike any health crisis in more than a century, COVID-19 has changed the course of global development and particularly globalization. In the 21st century, the question for China is how it will participate in globalization and possibly even drive new trends, but this is a question that must be answered carefully and systematically.

Globalization has a long history and most people trace its origins back to the trade routes that were opened by European traders starting in 1492. However, during one of CCG’s recent “Cloud Dialogues”, Valerie Hansenb, a renowned historian at Yale University, proposed that globalization should actually be traced back to 500 years before Columbus discovered the New World, around the year 1000 CE with the earliest known Viking voyages to North America.

Innovations in maritime technology in particular enabled mankind to explore new, unknown worlds and peoples. By the Industrial Revolution, other incredible technological advancements had created booming modern industries, faster transport links and rapidly expanding global markets. Two centuries later, starting in the 1990s, rapid developments in high-technology sparked in the IT Revolution, which has changed how we perceive of both space and time, making our world smaller and and the global economy increasingly integrated. Globalization during these periods has also continued to change, greatly enhancing productivity and creating enormous wealth. According to the World Bank, in just the sixty years from 1960 to 2020, global GDP grew from around $1.39 trillion to nearly $84.71 trillion, an increase of 6,000%.

However, under the veneer of global prosperity, rapid economic growth is set in stark contrast against the widening gap between rich and poor. A study by Oxfam International shows that in 2019, 2,153 of the world’s richest people had more wealth than the poorest 4.6 billion people combined. And according to its own Census Bureau, the United States’ Gini coefficient has been rising steadily over the past 50 years, reaching 0.485 in 2018 and marking the largest wealth gap in recent history. The huge disparity between rich and poor is like a proverbial “Sword of Damocles”, constantly threatening global stability and exacerbating emerging trends like populism, anti-globalization and deglobalization.

Former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan once said, “Very few people, groups or governments oppose globalization itself; what they oppose is the disparities it brings.” As we said at the outset, globalization has a long history and it has always been evolving. While it generally moves forward, there are times when it has slowed, stopped or even gone backwards. In recent decades, globalization has driven global economic growth and created an unprecedented interweaving of interests among countries, causing them to become more interdependent. Recent global events have caused the pace of globalization to slow, but we believe that globalization, like a great ship, is unstoppable and constant; it may veer off course, but after correcting and adjusting itself, globalization will ultimately find its destination.

As one of the biggest beneficiaries of globalization, China, and the economic miracle it has achieved since it began to reform and opening-up, has increasingly attracted the world’s attention. Economic globalization is prerequisite for China’s continued development in the 21st century and it is in China’s national interest to continue to open up and integrate with the outside world. Increased cooperation between China and the US through the G20 after the 2008 financial crisis saw China gradually transition from a passive participant to a driver of globalization. Both the “Belt and Road” Initiative and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank are proactive attempts on China’s part to bring innovative ideas to globalization and demonstrate its resolve to become a responsible and contributing member of the international community.

Along with many other countries, China has realized that continued globalization requires new impetus, new ideas and new models, which has inspired the country to explore new paths for economic growth and global governance. China believes that in order to ensure a smooth future for globalization, solutions must be found to the problems that have arisen in the course of its development, ensuring that social justice and equity are guaranteed and that the widening gap between rich and poor is narrowed.

When we founded the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) in 2008, the word “globalization” was still quite sensitive in China. However, after more than ten years of hard work and perseverance, China’s leadership has recognized the need to continue promoting globalization. In recent years, President Xi Jinping has repeatedly expressed China’s resolve to support and defend globalization on many occasions, most notably at the World Economic Forum in Davos.

In the years since its founding, CCG has remained devoted to studying the process of globalization and China’s globalization strategy, gathering insights and thoughts from top scholars from around the world. At this critical moment, when globalization is facing major challenges, we felt it imperative to take a deeper look into the future of globalization from a broad range of perspectives and have published a number of books in both Chinese and English on related subjects including The Great Turn: Who Will Promote the New Wave of Globalization and Globalization: Standing at a New Crossroads. CCG also organizes high-profile events like the China and Globalization Forum, China Inbound-Outbound Forum, China Talent 50 Forum and China Global Think Tank Innovation Forum, which serve as bridges of communication between government, business and academia in order to both promote the concept of globalization in China and better align China’s globalization objectives with those of the global community.

We also regularly engage with scholars devoted to studying China’s politics and its relations with the world, diplomats with a wealth of experience and who are well versed in international affairs, experienced business people that have taken their businesses global, and representatives of international organizations dedicated to the welfare of all peoples. We use these opportunities to explore key issues like where globalization is heading and China’s place in the world, ultimately clearing the path for a more global future. We have also had the opportunity and honor to speak on China’s behalf on the global stage at the United Nations and the US Capitol as well as at events like the Munk Debate, the Munich Security Conference, the Paris Peace Forum, and the World Economic Forum, working to unravel misconceptions about China with the hope of fostering mutual understanding and building consensus among countries and peoples.

A symbol of the challenges facing globalization, Donald Trump’s election as president of the United States on a platform of putting “America First” exacerbated trends toward populism, protectionism and nationalism in the US. The ongoing trade war waged by the US that began with Trump’s protectionist policies, as well as related barriers to cooperation in science and technology, immigration and cultural exchanges, brought China-US relations to a new low. This was mirrored in Britain’s successful realization of “Brexit” and the regional integration of the EU. Meanwhile, all of this came to a head with the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 and the world seemed to come to a grinding halt. Today, globalization is facing challenges unseen in a century and voices that question or even refute globalization are growing louder, but this has also caused many more to reflect on and revisit globalization, working to ensure a more inclusive and equitable model of globalization.

Our forthcoming book, China and Globalization in the 21st Century, seeks to explore the unknowns and uncertainties that lie ahead, and shed light on what could be an opportunity to reshape the world to the benefit of all. Chapter One begins by summarizing the main ideas in each chapter of the book. Chapter Two focuses on the transition and theoretical development of globalization. After examining a wide range of sources, we have proposed examining globalization from two new perspectives – technology and “people-centeredness”, focusing on creating a new definition of globalization suited to a post-pandemic world. Chapter Three mainly summarizes the history and reality of China’s integration into world through globalization. As President Xi Jinping has said, “China is a beneficiary and moreover a contributor to economic globalization”, and China’s role is increasingly becoming one of promoting globalization through its own development while also assuming more responsibilities and making more innovative contributions to global governance.

Starting from Chapter Four, we explore China’s attempts to promote a more inclusive and equitable form of globalization, which will enable China to inject new momentum into the process of globalization by leveraging its own strengths. Here, we put forward “three pillars” and “seven paths”; the three pillars are people-centered globalization, open regionalism, and global coexistence and co-governance; while the seven paths include, first, leveraging the strength of overseas Chinese communities and international students around the world to communicate and build consensus globally based on “people-centered globalization”; the second path promotes the establishment of an “Asian Union” based on the “Chopsticks Culture Circle”, which emphasizes integration and cooperation to foster high-quality regional integration and ultimately create a new model for globalization; the third path is the consolidation of globalization in Eurasian countries through the “Belt and Road” Initiative by filling in the gap in development between East and West through multilateralism and a rebalancing of globalization. The fourth path is the strengthening of cooperation and innovation in developing countries to make global governance more representative and drive the inclusive and equitable development of globalization. The fifth path focuses on enhancing cooperation with European countries in areas such as climate change and the digital economy, boosting cooperation with the European Union in international affairs to create an effective balance in the China-US-EU relationship, which will also contribute to the momentum of global multilateral cooperation and lay a new foundation for global governance. The sixth path focuses on building a “new type of great power relations (G2)” with the United States, working together as two responsible global powers for the well-being of the 7.5 billion people that inhabit the Earth by strengthening cooperation in areas such as climate change, infrastructure, the digital economy, space exploration and a variety of other fields. The seventh and last path is one in which China actively drives innovation in the systems used in global governance, proactively takes on responsibilities in global governance, plays a greater role in the reform of existing global governance institutions, and advocates for a multilateral cooperation mechanism based on the concept of “co-governance” that balances “East and West” as well as “global” to guarantee more public goods for the world as a whole.

We are well aware that exploring and creating new pathways for globalization will take an unprecedented amount of time and effort from individuals, businesses and members of the global community. Globalization is a fluid and ever-changing concept and its evolution affects not only China, but other countries as well, and requires that we continually explore and learn together. The direction of China’s growth and development will inevitably and profoundly influence the future of globalization. As the world’s expectations of China become greater, the wisdom we share and the solutions we provide as a people and a country will enable China to play a greater and hopefully more positive role in globalization and global governance. Facing head-on the inevitable twists and turns in the course of globalization, we need to work with other countries to identify as many common interests as possible, pursue broader and deeper cooperation in the spirit of win-win cooperation, solve problems that face us all, and promote a model of globalization that embodies the values of openness, inclusiveness, fairness, pluralism and sustainability.

Dr. Huiyao Wang, Founder and President of CCG

Dr. Lu Miao, Secretary-General of CCG

May, 2022