CCG President Wang Huiyao joins MSC Core Group Meetings in Cairo and Doha
At the end of October, the Munich Security Conference (MSC) held Core Group Meetings in Cairo (October 26-28) and Doha (October 28-29), the first meetings in this series. Each event brought together 60 to 80 senior political decision-makers, experts, and representatives of international organizations and civil society from Europe, China, and other parts of the world to discuss pressing issues and explore paths for de-escalation and regional cooperation.
October 26 , 2019 -
Chatham House visits CCG: A dialogue between international think tanks
The global system remains in a state of flux, from the sudden cancellation of the 2019 Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit where the US and China were expected to sign a trade agreement, to the ongoing Brexit saga and rising volatility in the Middle East.
October 23 , 2019 -
CCG release the fourth tourism report at WCTF
From October 22-25, 2019, the 2019 World Culture and Tourism Forum was held in Xi’an, China, under the theme “Integrating Culture and Tourism to Build an Intelligent Future.” More than 1,000 delegates attended the forum, exploring new marketing ideas, destinations and attractions for inbound tourism. The conference hosted by Xi’an Municipal People’s Government and Ctrip.
October 22 , 2019 -
German parliamentarian delegation visits CCG to discuss Sino-German cooperation in the digital era
Digitalization is changing all aspects of people’s daily lives. Germany has proposed ‘Industrie 4.0’ and the Digital Strategy 2025 to promote digitalization. Meanwhile, China’s digital economy has been developing rapidly in recent years.
August 20 , 2019 -
Australia and China: Mutual benefits through trade liberalisation and multilateral trade reform
On August 2, Australian Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment Simon Birmingham, visited the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) headquarters in Beijing to deliver a speech on the topic of Mutual benefits through trade liberalization and multilateral trade reform. During his speech, he exchanged ideas with CCG experts on issues such as the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), trade opportunities, the role of the US and China in international trade, and the mutual benefits of trade liberalization and multilateral trade reform.
August 07 , 2019 -
Conference on global migration and talent mobility in Beijing
The 2019 Conference on Global Migration and Talent Mobility kicked off last Saturday on July 13, bringing together scholars and experts from world-leading universities and research institutions who work in the fields of migration studies, public affairs and international relations.
July 15 , 2019 -
Five new books on international talent flow and governance released
On July 13, 2019, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) held a book launch for research findings in global talent and migration flow, during the third Conference on Global Talent Mobility and International Migration held in Beijing, China.
July 13 , 2019