60 Countries’ Participants Joined China and Globalization Forum

May 25 , 2024

On May 25th and 26th, 2024, the 10th China and Globalization Forum, hosted by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), co-organized by the China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF), and supported by the Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies (ACCWS), was recently held in Beijing. This forum focused on issues relating to globalization and global governance in a changing world and welcomed nearly 300 guests from over 60 countries. More than 100 guests come from outside China for this event, including international political figures, ambassadors to China, renowned scholars, heads of international organizations, industry leaders, and numerous domestic and foreign media representatives. Participants engaged in lively discussions on topics ranging from global governance to China-Europe relations, talent governance, and CBD innovation and development. CCG also hosted a welcome banquet, an opening dinner and a closing dinner during the forum.

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On the first day of the forum, an opening ceremony and four roundtable discussions were held, focusing on topics of globalization and global governance, EU-China relations, global talent mobility and governance, and innovative concepts for the development of global business districts.

The opening ceremony was hosted by Mabel Lu Miao, Co-founder and Secretary General of CCG. She began by extending a sincere welcome to the guests in attendance and introduced the speakers for the opening remarks.

Following this, welcome remarks were delivered by Henry Huiyao Wang, Founder and President of CCG and Former Counselor to China State Council,

and James Chau, President of China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) and World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador. Keynote speeches were then given by:

JIANG Yaoping, Former Vice Minister, Ministry of Commerce; Former Vice Minister, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

WANG Liyong, Director, China Center for Contemporary World Studies (CCCWS)

YU Yunquan, Vice President, China International Communication Group (CICG); President, Academy of Contemporary China and World Studies (ACCWS)

Declan Kelleher, Chair of Governing Board, European Policy Center (EPC); Former Irish Ambassador to China and the European Union

The opening roundtable, themed “Rethinking Globalization and Global Governance: Silver linings in the dark clouds“, was chaired by CCG President Henry Huiyao Wang, who noted that in recent years, the world has become increasingly divided and polarized, with unresolved issues such as geopolitical competition, green and digital transitions, and international security. Against this backdrop, the roundtable aimed to look to the future by exploring the relationships among China, the United States, and Europe, as well as their influence on countries in the Global South, in the context of geopolitical tensions.
Attendees shared their views on topics such as the prospects of China-U.S.-Europe relations, how global governance models can adapt to diversity, and ways to enhance the inclusivity of global governance mechanisms with insights that contributed to the collective wisdom on how to avoid further fragmentation in the global order.
The guests participating in this meeting included (In order of speaking): 
Mohamed Amersi, Founder and Chairman of the Amersi Foundation
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, CATO Institute
David Blair, Vice President, CCG; Former Professor of Economics and Chair of the Economics Department, Eisenhower School of National Defense University
James Chau, President, China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF); World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador
CHEN Wenling, Chief Economist, China Center for International Economic Exchange (CCIEE); CCG Academic Council Member
Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, President, Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI); former Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union
James B. Heimowitz, Honorary Chair, China Institute in America
Shafik Gabr, Founder and Chairman, The Shafik Gabr Foundation
Steve Howard, Secretary General, The Global Foundation
Vuk Jeremić, President, Center for International Relations and Sustainable Development (CIRSD); Former President, the United Nations General Assembly; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Serbia
Declan Kelleher, Chair of Governing Board, European Policy Center (EPC); Former Irish Ambassador to China and the European Union
Danny Quah, Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Saroja Sirisena, Former Sri Lankan High Commissioner to the United Kingdom
SUN Jisheng, Vice President, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU)
Justin Vaïsse, Founder and Director-General, Paris Peace Forum; Former Director of Policy Planning at the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Antonio Villafranca, Vice President and Director of Research, Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)
WU Shicun, Founder and President, Huayang Center for Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance; CCG Academic Council Member
Igor Yurgens, Chairman of the Management Board, Institute of Contemporary Development
XU Zhengzhong, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Deputy Dean of Institute for International Strategic Studies, National Academy of Governance (Central Party School of the Chinese Communist Party)


The EU-China think tank exchange roundtable, themed “EU-China relations: Navigating uncertainty” featured opening remarks by CCG President Henry Huiyao Wang and Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive and Economist of the European Policy Centre (EPC). The session was moderated by Declan Kelleher, Chair of the Governing Board of EPC and former Ambassador of Ireland to China and the European Union. As two major global powers, amid the intensified turbulence in the current international environment, China-EU relations have a strategic significance and global influence. The aim of this roundtable was to provide a platform for strengthening China-EU cooperation and dialogue, and through candid exchanges, jointly seek solutions to global challenges. During the roundtable, attendees shared their views on the economic and trade development between China and Europe as well as current regional hot topics.

The guests participating in this meeting included:
Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, President, IAI; former Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union
MA She, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Former Deputy Director-General of MOFCOM Department of European Affairs; Former Minister Counselor at the Chinese Embassy in France
Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Institute
HAN Bing, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Former Deputy Director-General of MOFCOM Department of European Affairs; Former Economic and Commercial Counselor at the Chinese Embassy in Croatia and Poland
CHEN Yang, Executive Director of Institute of European Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)
Georg Riekeles, Associate Director and Head of Europe’s Political Economy, EPC
LIU Zuokui, Director, Institute of World History, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
Kenneth Fredriksen, Senior Vice President of Europe Region, Huawei Technologies


With the continuous evolution of globalization, international talent mobility has become increasingly frequent. This exchange brings both challenges and boundless opportunities. Against this backdrop, a Special Panel themed “Global Talent Mobility and Governance” was held. This session was moderated by John Zhanjie Zhao, CCG Director of External Relations and Director of the Global Young Leaders Dialogue (GYLD). Special remarks were given by Mabel Lu Miao, CCG Co-Founder and Secretary-General and Deputy Director-General and Secretary-General of Alliance of Global Talent Organizations (AGTO) as well as LI Wen, Representative of IOM in China. Attendees engaged in in-depth discussions on the significance of global innovation mobility, how to address the issue of talent drain from developing countries or talent outflow from the Global South, and how to foster inclusivity in talent mobility.

The guests participating in this meeting include:
Jean-Christophe Dumont, Head of the International Migration Division, Direction for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs, OECD
Igor Himelfarb, Chief Methodologist, Multicultural Insights
David Blair, Chief Economist, Alliance of Global Talent Organizations (AGTO)
Mehri Madarshahi, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Former Senior Economist at the United Nations
Hans d’Orville, Former Assistant Director-General for Strategic Planning of UNESCO
LIU Guofu, Professor of the School of Law, Beijing Institute of Technology
Miranda Wang, CCG Senior Council Member; Managing Director, ETS China
Shahamak Rezaei, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Sciences and Business, Roskilde University, Denmark
Frank Laczko, Senior Adviser to Multi-Cultural Insights and Former Director of IOM Global Migration Data Analysis Centre (GMDAC) (Online)

During the session, Julia Jinlian Zheng, CCG Vice President and Head of Research, and GUO Shize, CCG Senior Council Member and Founder and President of Yingzhong Overseas Consulting and Partner of Yingzhong Law Offices, P.C., U.S, jointly released their “International Talent Mobility and Governance Report – Analysis with the United States as a Hub“, which includes four main sections: the global landscape of talent mobility, the characteristics of international talent mobility with the United States as the hub, policy trends in international talent mobility in the United States, an overview of international talent mobility in China, and recommendations.

The next Special Panel was themed “Global Business Districts: Innovation and Development” Business districts are areas within major cities where significant commercial activities take place. As society progresses, major cities in various countries increasingly prioritize the innovative development of their business districts. These cities should continue to emphasize the strategic functions of business districts, optimize spatial development patterns, and promote the construction of infrastructure and urban upgrades.


This special panel was chaired by Mike Liu, CCG Vice President and Senior Fellow and Former Managing Director of DXC Technology Greater China. CCG President Henry Huiyao Wang delivered welcome remarks.
JIANG Yaoping, Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Commerce and Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and CHEN Dai, Director of Beijing Central Business District Administration Committee, gave keynote speeches on topics relating to innovative services in business districts from the perspective of the digital economy and the development and construction of Beijing’s CBD, respectively. Subsequently, the attendees engaged in discussions on topics such as technological innovation and development, creating new trade platforms, and the internationalization of CBDs.


The guests participating in this meeting included:
David Blair, Chief Economist, Alliance of Global Talent Organizations (AGTO)
Mojca Deželak, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Slovenia in China
GUO Yinbo, CCG Senior Council Member; General Manager and Founder of Wuxi Jinyunzhilian Corporation (Xiaomi Eco-system)
MU Jingchuan, Project Advisor, United Nations Office of South-South Cooperation (UNOSSC)
YOU Yang, Director, X Museum
Kaisheng Liu, Co-founder and President of the Sino-French Association for Sustainable Urban Development in France (AFCDUD)
Xiaomeng Wang, Vice Chairman of the Chinese Association of Chinese Science and Technology in Switzerland
CHEN Bin, Director, Head of Project & Development Services, North China at Cushman & Wakefield
Evelyn Wu, Chief Representative of BBZ Academy (Switzerland) China Office, Deputy Director of Green Investment & Finance Committee, Beijing Green Finance Association (BGFA)

On the second day of the forum, five roundtable meetings and one special forum were held. During the event, eight thematic discussions were also organized around multilateralism, global trade, China-U.S. relations, climate change, Middle East issues, and peace in Ukraine. Numerous international political figures, ambassadors to China, renowned scholars, heads of international organizations, industry leaders, and members of both domestic and international media attended.

The Ambassadors’ Roundtable, themed “Reimagining multilateralism for a multipolar world” was chaired by CCG President Henry Huiyao Wang, and was held against the backdrop of the current transition from a unipolar world to a multipolar world of collaborative governance, aiming to explore how the international community can steer globalization toward greater inclusiveness, equality, mutual benefit, and solidarity. During the meeting, attendees shared their views on topics such as improving multilateralism, the role of Global South countries, and how to collaborate in addressing global challenges like artificial intelligence.
The guests participating in this meeting included:
H.E. Jorge Toledo, Ambassador of European Union to China
H.E. Patricia Flor, Ambassador of Germany to China
H.E. Paulo Jorge Nascimento, Ambassador of Portugal to China
H.E. Siyabonga C. Cwele, Ambassador of South Africa to China
H.E. MA Jianchun, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Former Chinese Ambassador to Gambia and Director-General of MOFCOM Department of Foreign Affairs
H.E. İsmail Hakkı Musa, Ambassador of Türkiye to China
H.E. Grahame Morton, Ambassador of New Zealand to China
H.E. Marcelo Suárez Salvia, Ambassador of Argentina to China
H.E. Hannes Hanso, Ambassador of Estonia to China
SHI Yinhong, Professor, Institute of International Relations, Renmin University of China; Former Counselor to the State Council; CCG Academic Council Member
Victor GAO, Vice President, CCG
Marc Horn, President, Merck China


The Special Roundtable themed “Navigating Geopolitical Uncertainty: Business strategies for global trade reconfiguration” was chaired by Mike Liu, CCG Vice President and Senior Fellow and Former Managing Director of DXC Technology Greater China. In an era marked by frequent geopolitical conflicts, the global trade landscape is undergoing profound restructuring, making economic relations between countries more complex and challenging. In this roundtable, business representatives from multiple countries gathered to deeply explore the strategies that global and Chinese companies should adopt to hedge against the risks of these turbulent times.

During this session, Jeongmin Seong, a Partner at McKinsey Global Institute, released a research report, which highlighted that the current world is experiencing a reconfiguration of globalization, not deglobalization and emphasized that while global value chains are being restructured, the world remains deeply interconnected.

The guests participating in this meeting included:
FU Chengyu, CCG Advisor; Former Chairman of SINOPEC
CUI Fan, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Professor at School of International Trade and Economics, University of International Business and Economics (UIBE)
Hong Liu, Associate Vice President (International & Coordination),Tan Lark Sye Chair Professor in Public Policy and Global Affairs at the School of Social Sciences,Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Stephen Olson, Senior Adjunct Fellow, Pacific Forum; Visiting Lecturer and NonResident Fellow, Yeutter Institute
ONODERA Osamu, Director- General for Beijing Office and Chief Representative for North EastAsia, The Japan ExternalTrade Organization (JETRO)
Kenneth Fredriksen, Senior Vice President of Europe Region, Huawei Technologies
Chun Yuan Chiang, Vice-Chair & Deputy Secretary-General of CCG Hong Kong Council, Founder of IHDpay Group
Gloria Xu, Vice President and Country Manager, Albemarle
ZHANG Hui, Vice President of Europe, Nio
TANG Haoxuan, CCG Senior Council Member; Founder and Chairman, FUETA
MA Enduo, CCG Senior Council Member; Chairman and General Manager, Shenzhen Amos Food Group
WANG Xinghua, CCG Senior Council Member; Chairman of Chengdu Huawangfu Industrial Group
Lola Woetzel, Director, McKinsey Global Institute

The Sino-US Roundtable, themed “A brighter future? Implications of the bilateral relationship for global cooperation” was chaired by James Chau, President of China-United States Exchange Foundation (CUSEF) and World Health Organization Goodwill Ambassador. The China-U.S. relationship is considered the most important bilateral relationship of the 21st century, crucial for world peace and development. The year 2024 marks the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States. Holding this roundtable at this pivotal moment is an attempt to build a bridge for dialogue and exchange between the two countries, providing a platform for mutual understanding and clarification. The attendees engaged in in-depth discussions and exchanges focusing on China-U.S. economic, trade, and cultural cooperation.

The guests participating in this meeting included:
Heiwai Tang, Associate Dean, Business School, University of Hong Kong
Roberta Lipson, Vice Chair, AmCham China
James B. Heimowitz, Honorary Chair, China Institute in America
Danny Quah, Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, National University of Singapore
Elvire Fabry, Senior Research Fellow, Jacques Delors Institute
Shafik Gabr, Founder and Chairman, The Shafik Gabr Foundation
Henry Huiyao Wang, Founder and President, CCG; Former Counselor to China State Council
Vuk Jeremić, President, Center for International Relations and Sustainable
SUN Jisheng, Vice President, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU)
David Blair, Former Professor of Economics and Chair of the Economics Department, Eisenhower School of National Defense University
SHI Yinhong, Professor, Institute of International Relations, Renmin University of China; Former Counselor to the State Council; CCG Adademic Council Member
WU Shicun, Founder and President, Huayang Center for Maritime Cooperation and Ocean Governance; CCG Academic Council Member
Doug Bandow, Senior Fellow, CATO Institute
Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive and Economist, EPC

The Climate Roundtable, themed “Shaping the Future: Global governance of climate and nature” was co-chaired by Mabel Lu Miao, CCG Secretary General and Member of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) Beijing Committee, and Steve Howard, Secretary General of The Global Foundation. The urgency of climate issues has become a global consensus, with climate change causing extreme weather, rising sea levels, and loss of biodiversity, all of which threaten human survival and development. This roundtable invited distinguished guests from organizations such as the United Nations, OECD, and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) to contribute their insights on the sustainable development of society and the economy, as well as human security and health.
H.E. Scott Dewar, Ambassador of Australia to China; Siddharth Chatterjee, UN Resident Coordinator in China; Tamas Hajba, Senior Advisor for China and Head of the OECD Beijing Office; Erik Berglöf, Chief Economist, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), delivered Special addresses during this session.

The guests participating in this meeting included:
Violante di Canossa, Chief Economist, UNDP China
GAO Yong, Vice President of Public Affairs and Sustainability, Bayer China
Marc Horn, President, Merck China
MA Enduo, CCG Senior Council Member; Chairman and General Manager, Shenzhen Amos Food Group
MA Jun, Chairman of Green Finance Committee of China Society for Finance and Banking; Founder and President of Institute of Finance and Sustainability
David Morris, Vice Chair of the United Nations Sustainable Business Network for Asia Pacific
Martin Taylor, WHO Representative to China
Justin Vaïsse, Founder and Director-General, Paris Peace Forum
Dora Giusti, Chief of Child Protection and Acting Deputy Representative of Programmes, UNICEF
Lola Woetzel, Director, McKinsey Global Institute

The current situation in the Middle East is complex and volatile, filled with uncertainty and potential crises, had has attracted significant global attention. Against this backdrop, the 10th China and Globalization Forum hosted a special forum titled “China and the Middle East in a Multipolar World: Myths and realities” This session included three themed panels: “Resolution of the Irretractable Israel/Palestine Conflict: Perspectives by participants from OIC States and China” “A Peaceful, Prosperous, Stable Nuclear-Free Middle East for All: Possible?” and ” Independence and Sovereignty: outside interference, status, regulation, and role of non-state actors.” These panels aimed to pool collective wisdom to explore pathways for resolving regional conflicts and promoting peace and development. The three panels were chaired by Victor GAO, CCG Vice President, and Mohamed Amersi, Founder and Chairman of the Amersi Foundation.

CCG President Henry Huiyao Wang and Mohamed Amersi, Founder and Chairman of the Amersi Foundation, delivered opening speeches.

The guests participating in this meeting included:
H.E. Hussam Al Husseini,  Ambassador of Jordan to China
Hussein Mousavian, Middle East & Nuclear Policy Specialist, Princeton University
H.E. Fariz Mehdawi, Ambassador of Palestine to China
H.E. Assem Mohammed Hanafi, Ambassador of Egypt to China
H.E. İsmail Hakkı Musa, Ambassador of Türkiye to China
Hiba Qasas, Executive Director, Principles for Peace (P4P) Foundation
Yousuf Al Bulushi, Assistant Professor of Global & International Studies, University of California, Irvine
NIU Xinchun, Director and Associate Research Professor at Institute of Middle East Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)
Flavius Caba-Maria, President, Middle East Political and Economic Institute, Romania
Kadhem Sajjadpour, Former President of the Institute for Political and International Studies (IPIS)
Khalid Al Khater, Director of Policy and Planning Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Qatar
H.E. Ünal Çeviköz, Former Ambassador of Türkiye to Iraq
QIN Tian, Deputy Director and Associate Research Professor at Institute of Middle East Studies, China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations (CICIR)
Zoon Ahmed, Research Fellow, CCG
HRH Prince Turki bin Faisal Al Saud
Hassan Ahmadian, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Strategic Research, University of Tehran
H.E. Milia Jabbour, Ambassador of Lebanon to China
Alaa Talabani, Former Member of Parliament Iraq
Yasmeen Al Eryani, Co-Executive Director, Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies
Zichen Wang, Research Fellow, CCG
HE Wenping, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of West-Asian and African Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS)
H.E. Mohammed Hasnein Khaddam, Ambassador of Syria to China
Nasser Hadian Jazy, Professor of Political Science, University of Tehran


In addition to instability in the Middle East, the Russia-Ukraine war has lasted for over two years with no end in sight, creating significant questions as to its future trajectory. This forum hosted a Ukraine Roundtable titled ” Prospects and Scenarios for Peace in Ukraine: views from Europe and China” with the goal of gathering the insights and experiences of China and European countries to explore pathways for a peaceful resolution to the Ukraine crisis.

Amanda Paul, Deputy Head of Programme and Senior Policy Analyst of EPC, moderated this session.
The guests participating in this meeting included:
Declan Kelleher, Chair of the Governing Board, EPC; former Ambassador of Ireland to China and the European Union
Henry Huiyao Wang, Founder and President, CCG; Former Counselor to China State Council
YU Hongjun, CCG Advisor; Former Vice Minister of International Department of CPC
H.E. Maija Manika, Ambassador of Latvia to China
WANG Yiwei, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Jean-Monnet Chair Professor and Director of the Center for European Studies, Renmin University of China
Maryna Domushkina, Visiting Fellow, European Council on Foreign Relations (ECFR)
SU Hao, CCG Nonresident Senior Fellow; Founding Director of the Center for Strategic and Peace Studies, China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU)
Kaspar Pucek, Research Fellow, Clingendael Institute
H.E. Jakub Kumoch, Ambassador of Poland to China
Justin Vaïsse, Founder and Director-General, Paris Peace Forum
H.E. Pavlo Riabikin, Ambassador of Ukraine to China
Antonio Villafranca, Vice President and Director of Research, Italian Institute for International Political Studies (ISPI)
Georg Riekeles, Associate Director and Head of Europe’s Political Economy, EPC
Fabian Zuleeg, Chief Executive and Economist, EPC
Victor GAO, Vice President, CCG
Ferdinando Nelli Feroci, President, IAI; former Permanent Representative of Italy to the European Union
Hennadiy Maksak, Executive Director, Ukrainian Prism
Kaja Glomm, Chargé d’affaires a.i., Embassy of Norway in China
ZHAO Xiaozhuo, Former Research Fellow, PLA Academy of Military Science; Former Deputy Director, Beijing Xiangshan Forum Secretariat


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Past Forums

CCG Holds 10th China and Globalization Forum

CCG Holds 9th China and Globalization Forum

CCG Holds 8th China and Globalization Forum

CCG Holds 7th China and Globalization Forum

CCG holds 6th China and Globalization Forum

CCG holds 5th China and Globalization Forum

CCG holds 4th China and Globalization Forum

CCG holds 3rd China and Globalization Forum

CCG holds 2nd China and Globalization Forum

CCG holds 1st China and Globalization Forum
