Wang Huiyao: WTO reform deemed both imperative and beneficial
Over the past 20 years, the WTO has played a critical role in the economic development of nations all over the world, and has been the primary impetus for economic globalization. However, for more than a decade now, the development of the WTO has stagnated due to irreconcilable differences between developed and developing countries. This can be seen in the demise of the Doha Round of talks. With WTO talks deadlocked, the current US administration has adopted an increasingly negative attitude toward the institution, choosing to abandon multilateralism and instead relying on bilateral talks to resolve trade issues. Furthermore, US President Donald Trump has repeatedly threatened to pull the US out of the WTO. These developments constitute an unprecedented challenge to the multilateral trading system that has done so much to reduce trade barriers and promote the spirit of free trade since World War II.
October 14 , 2018 -
Harvey Dzodin: US should be working, not warring, with China and others
US President Donald Trump is on record saying that "trade wars are good and easy to win" and that he’s a "very stable genius." With his imposition of 200 billion US dollars in tariffs on Chinese exports to the US effective this past Monday, we can conclusively add these two statements to the thousands of documented fake "facts" that Trump has made.
September 26 , 2018 -
Laurence Brahm: Going to America
Laurence Brahm, first came to China as a fresh university exchange student from the US in 1981 and he has spent much of the past three and a half decades living and working in the country. He has been a lawyer, a writer, and now he is Founding Director of Himalayan Consensus and a Senior International Fellow at the Center for China and Globalization.
September 21 , 2018 -
【China Daily】The multilateral trade system must be protected
In response to potential rise of industrialized trading bloc, China should strengthen regional ties, improve mutual understanding
September 21 , 2018 -
Emanuel Pastreich: Can culture be used for consensus in NE Asia?
There have been multiple efforts to find common ground in Northeast Asia between China, South Korea and Japan over the last 20 years. For the most part, the focus has been placed on promoting trade, removing barriers to investment, and holding meetings between ministers, vice ministers, CEOs and technical experts.
September 14 , 2018 -
Cheng Shuaihua: 3 things the G20 can do to save the WTO
This week, trade and investment ministers from the G20 will gather at Mar del Plata in Argentina for the first time since the tariff dispute started in the spring of 2018.
September 14 , 2018 -
Zamir Ahmed Awan: Taking stock of power projects under CPEC
China-Pakistan Economic Corridor was signed in 2013, but actual work started after the visit of President Xi Jinping in April 2015. Pakistan was facing severe shortage of electricity, and that resulted in several hours of power cuts on daily basis. The shortage hit the industrial sector hardest and affected industrial productivity. It resulted in reduction of export and earning of foreign exchange. One of the major reasons for poor economy of Pakistan was the shortage of electricity. Due to this, CPEC focused on power sector and most of projects initiated were in power generation and transmission. Here’s a brief look at power projects under CPEC
September 11 , 2018