Zheng Yongnian: COVID-19 fight is scientific not political
China is mobilizing the whole society to combat COVID-19. What are the challenges in this fight? Why are some Westerners obstinate in anti-China sentiments? How will this affect China-West relations? What's the solution? CGTN's Liu Jianxi talked with Zheng Yongnian, professor at National University of Singapore and the director of CCG Academic Council, on these issues. Here is the first part of the interview. The article reflect's the expert's opinions, and not necessarily the views of CGTN.
February 18 , 2020 -
Worldfolio | For the world to grow, it requires a strong America and a strong China.
Globalization 4.0 —a term coined by this year's World Economic Forum— holds the promise of a brighter future. However, it also carries a series of challenges, such as the rise of new power structures, the impact of innovative technologies on the labor market, and the severity of global issues such as climate change. In front of this situation, world leaders have urged for the creation of a new global architecture. Christine Lagarde from the IMF called for a “new multilateralism,” as Klaus Schwab from the WEF stated that “global issues required global solutions.” Why is a new global governance model important today? And how would this new model differ from the current one?
February 13 , 2020 -
Wang Huiyao: In the face of the new coronavirus, China’s economy is more resilient than it was in 2003
In the face of the new coronavirus, China’s economy is more resilient than it was in 2003
February 10 , 2020 -
Laurence Brahm: China will overcome novel coronavirus
In the Chinese language, the word for "crisis" consists of two characters: "wei" meaning "danger" and "ji" meaning opportunity. Throughout China's history, the nation and its people have responded to each crisis and challenge. They respond collectively and united in overcoming the danger of each crisis. More importantly, they turn each into an opportunity to rebuild, grow and develop further.
February 09 , 2020 -
Harvey Dzodin: COVID-19 – War is hell
A famous general, William Tecumseh Sherman said that "war is hell" and while he was speaking of the American Civil War, his words aptly apply to the epic battle we are currently fighting against COVID-19.
January 28 , 2020 -
Wang Huiyao: New opportunities, new responsibilities
While continuing to be the primary engine for global growth, China is also playing a bigger role in global affairs
January 17 , 2020 -
Wang Huiyao: 2020 should bring acceptance of different development models
US President Donald Trump recently announced that China and the US will sign the much-anticipated “phase one” trade agreement in Washington on January 15. This is a positive note on which to open the new decade, raising hopes for a timely end to the damaging trade war. However, in the long run, it will take more than a single trade deal to sustain an open global economy.
January 08 , 2020