Joseph Nye: soft power can benefit both China and the US
So, in that sense, what the book is about of soft power and great power competition, and there will be great power competition. But it has to be seen in this broader perspective of world, which has become much more interdependent.
April 28 , 2023 -
Zhou Xiaoming: For all its protestations, the US is set on decoupling from China – an act that will cause global economic harm
This decoupling will not improve efficiency. Rather, it is a geopolitical tool to cut China’s links from the rest of the world and to maintain US hegemony.
April 28 , 2023 -
He Weiwen: U.S. tech sanctions on China serve as a boomerang
However, the fervent technology prohibition and restrictions on China have not quenched Huawei and other Chinese technology companies, nor strengthened the American tech giants.
April 26 , 2023 -
US-China relations: restart Congressional visits to mainland to revive dialogue and understanding
Minds will not be changed in a single visit, but at this stage any chance to interact and present a different side of the story would be an improvement. First-person experience can be surprisingly corrosive to preconceived ideas.
April 14 , 2023 -
【SCMP】Wang Huiyao: US concerns about China’s data security should be addressed, but not with a TikTok ban
Beijing's Global Initiative on Data Security, in particular, clearly states respect for how other countries handle data, and could be the framework for work to bolster confidence in China’s data handling.
April 04 , 2023 -
Justin Vaïsse: future of global governance in a polarized world
French President Emmanuel Macron visited China from April 5th to 7th, 2023. On April 4th, Justin Vaïsse, founderand Director-General of Paris Peace Forum, gave a speech at the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) .
April 04 , 2023 -
【SCMP】Wang Huiyao: China will still be a major growth driver this year
China’s “two sessions” – the annual meetings of the legislature and political advisory body – which wrapped up last week in Beijing, are always eagerly watched by investors around the world. This year, along with the tailwinds of China’s reopening, the meetings point to promising areas for international engagement and economic cooperation.
March 21 , 2023