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CCG Ambassadors Roundtable | Update of the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA)
December 08 , 2020
CCG Ambassadors Roundtable | Highlights of China 14th 5-year Plan
December 08 , 2020
CCG Ambassadors Roundtable | China and the World in the Period of China’s 14th Five Year Plan
December 08 , 2020
Pitch of AGTO on Paris Peace Forum 2020: Enhancing Multi-Sectoral Cooperation and Promoting Global Talent Mobility Post-COVID19
December 04 , 2020
2020 China Think Tank Innovation Forum | Panel 4: Fostering Global Cooperation during Geopolitical Upheavals: Perspectives from Chinese and European Think Tanks
November 24 , 2020
2020 China Think Tank Innovation Forum | Panel 3: China’s Nongovernmental Think Tanks in Changing Times: A New Role to Play?
November 24 , 2020
2020 China Think Tank Innovation Forum | Panel 2: Think Tanks and the Covid-19 Crisis: Challenges and Innovations
November 24 , 2020
2020 China Think Tank Innovation Forum : Guest Keynotes
November 24 , 2020