New Book | An Introduction to The Asian 21st Century

January 11 , 2022

Series Editors: Huiyao Wang  Lu Miao

Publisher: Springer Nature Publishing Group


China and Globalization Series

The Asian 21st Century is the latest release of “China and Globalization Series”books. This book series seek to create a balanced global perspective by gathering the views of highly influential policy scholars, practitioners, and opinion leaders from China and around the world.

The Asian 21st Century

Author: Kishore Mahbubani

Published in January, 2022

ISBN: 978-981-16-6813-5

Download the ebook at Springer:


How will humanity live through the twenty-first century amid the escalating geopolitical competition and the shift in the balance of power? Experts offer their ideas generously and Kishore Mahbubani gives some of the most valuable ones. This open access book consists of essays written by Mahbubani to explore the challenges and dilemmas faced by the West and Asia in an increasingly interdependent world village and intensifying geopolitical competition.

The author is a veteran diplomat, student of philosophy, and have published nine books. Mahbubani is currently a Distinguished Fellow at the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore. Mahbubani is also a former President of the UN Security Council (Jan 2001, May 2002) and the Founding Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy (2004-2017). Mahbubani writes and speaks prolifically on the rise of Asia, geopolitics and global governance. His nine books and articles in the New York Times, Washington Post, Financial Times and Foreign Affairs have earned him global recognition as “the muse of the Asian century.” He was inducted into the American Academy of Arts and Sciences in 2019.We will see greater change in the twenty-first century than we have in any previous human century. Huge leaps in science and technology, accompanied by huge economic and social advances in many societies around the world, especially Asian societies, will mean that the texture and chemistry of the twenty-first century will be massively different from the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.How will it be massively different? It will be different in three significant dimensions. First, we will see the end of the era of Western domination of world history. Second, we will see the return to the success of many Asian societies, especially the two most populous societies of China and India. Third, as a result of the rapid shrinkage of the world, through both technological leaps and growing interdependence, partly through global trade, humanity is no longer living on a vast planet. It is living in a small, densely interconnected global village.How can we adopt to the rapidly changing world? The author discussed this issue in four parts and provided suggestions:Part One The End of the Era of Western Domination 

The major strategic error that the West is now making is to refuse to accept this reality. The West needs to learn how to act strategically in a world where they are no longer the number 1.


Part Two The Return of Asia


From the years 1 to 1820, the largest economies in the world were Asian. After 1820 and the rise of the West, however, great Asian civilizations like China and India were dominated and humiliated. The twenty-first century will see the return of Asia to the center of the world stage.


Part Three  The Peaceful Rise of China

The shift in the balance of power to the East has been most pronounced in the rise of China. While this rise has been peaceful, many in the West have responded with considerable concern over the influence China will have on the world order.


Part Four Globalization, Multilateralism and Cooperation

Many of the world’s pressing issues, such as COVID-19 and climate change, are global issues and will require global cooperation to deal with. In short, human beings now live in a global village. States must work with each other, and we need a world order that enables and facilitates cooperation in our global village.

In this book, Kishore Mahbubani has raised provocative questions that inspire through and highlight issues that everyone should have a working knowledge of:

Has the West Lost It?
The End of History, or the Return of History?
East and West: Trust or Distrust?
RCEP or Quad: Who Will Write the Future of Asia?
Democracy or plutocracy? America’s Existential Question
Can Asia Help Biden?
China: Threat or Opportunity?
Is China Expansionist?
Can the World Order Catch Up with the World?
Diplomacy: Power or Persuasion?
UN: A Sunrise Organization?
Can Humanity Make U-turns?
Open this book, you’ll be impressed by his insights, eloquence and wisdom.

Consensus or Conflict? – China and Globalization in the 21st Century

Editors: Huiyao Wang  Alistair Michie

Published in September, 2021

ISBN 978-981-16-5390-2


As the first release of “China and Globalization Series” books, this open access book brings together 38 leading international scholars and policy-makers to explore the challenges and dilemmas of globalization and governance in an era increasingly defined by economic crises, widespread populism, retreating internationalism, and a looming cold war between the United States and China. It provides the diversity of views on those widely concerned topics such as global governance, climate change, global health, migration, S&T revolution, financial market, and sustainable development. The book has received a warm welcome by readers with over 130,000 downloads within three months of its launch.

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