CCG-CGTN Special Dialogue at 2019 Paris Peace Forum

December 06 , 2019

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With comparative market and emergence of new technology such as the big data and artificial intelligence, the demand for skilled talent has increased significantly worldwide. The current competition of human capital flow and shortage of talent have led to a global race for experts that could affect international relations.


Talent management is of the utmost importance if we are to meet current and future needs. How can we improve the conversation, cooperation and coordination around global talent? In tomorrow’s world, how can global governance address talent mobility in an innovative way? And how can brain drain turn to brain gain?

To gather more insights and suggestions on how to solve these problems, CCG held a sub-session during 2019 Paris Peace Forum titled “Brain Drain: Making Better Use of the World’s Talent.”


The session aimed to look into the details of how to prepare and pool resources to set up an alliance of global talent organizations. The session was led by CCG President Dr. Wang Huiyao and CCG Secretary General Miao Lu, joined by Martin Geiger, associate professor for global migration and mobility at Carleton University; Frank Laczko, director of the IOM’s Global Migration Data Analysis Centre; and Jean-Christophe Dumont, head of the International Migration Division in the OECD Directorate for Employment, Labour and Social Affairs. The talk was hosted by Yang Rui, a well-known anchor at CGTN.