Andy Mok: Black Friday and 11.11: A tale of two (shopping) holidays
Black Friday, the Friday following Thanksgiving, is a well-established tradition in the United States. It marks the start of the Christmas shopping season, which is vitally important for American retailers. The color black is typically associated with calamities, especially financial ones such as stock market crashes. But in this instance, black has a positive meaning. While there are several different origin stories for the name “Black Friday,” since the 1980s it has become commonly accepted that the name marks the time when these retailers move from being in the red (meaning losing money) to be in the black (being profitable).
December 06 , 2018 -
Wang Huiyao: Challenging Times, Creative Efforts
As the curtain comes down on 2018, it is a good moment to look back at the highlights and central themes of China’s diplomacy during another eventful year.
December 17 , 2018 -
Victor Gao: Here’s a win-win zero-tariffs trade deal
How the United States and China deal with each other in 2019 is of vital importance, as it will have an impact not only on these two countries, but on the world as a whole.
January 19 , 2019 -
He Weiwen: China is fine, Trump should focus on America
U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted immediately after China’s official GDP data was released by saying: "China posts slowest economic numbers since 1990 due to trade tensions and new policies. Makes so much sense for China to finally do a Real Deal, and stop playing around!"
January 23 , 2019 -
He Weiwen: The “America First” Trade Policy is Hurting America
The “America First” trade policy has only resulted in two direct outcomes: increasing trade-related tensions between the US and its major trading partners, and threatening the global trading system. On February 27, 2018 the US Trade Representative published a report entitled “Putting America First: The President’s 2018 Trade Policy Agenda” (hereafter referred to as “The Agenda”), which begins with: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to declare our economic independence once again.”
February 18 , 2019