Thanks Deng Xiaoping for My GaoKao and Study Abroad

August 22 , 2024


On the 120th birthday of Deng Xiaoping, Episode 8 focuses on Dr. Henry Huiyao Wang, the Founder and President of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), whose life was upended when Deng reinstated the Gaokao. This was a fascinating conversation that took many unexpected turns.

He was one of the Youths who were sent down to the Countryside in the 1970s. There, he taught himself to read English while living in a small hut next to a pig sty. After Deng Xiaoping reinstated the College Entrance Exams he joined the Class of 1977 in the English and American Literature Department of the Guangzhou Foreign Language Institute before moving to Canada and the United Kingdom to earn his MBA and PhD. After that, he undertook further training at Harvard Business School and was appointed as a Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School. He was a Visiting Fellow at Brookings Institution and today is the Founder and President of the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a non-governmental think tank based in Beijing.

From Living History, 2024-8-22
