Former Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda visits CCG

July 05 , 2024

On the morning of July 5, 2024, former Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirajuda, Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun, Minister Counsellor at the Indonesian Embassy in China Irwansyah Mukhlis, and Counsellor at the Indonesian Embassy in China Yudaho Priambudi visited the Center for China and Globalization (CCG). They met and exchanged views with CCG President Henry Huiyao Wang and Secretary-General Mabel Lu Miao. They discussed the current bilateral relations between China and Indonesia, as well as China and ASEAN, and explored how think tanks from China, Indonesia, and ASEAN can engage in Track II dialogues to jointly promote cultural exchanges in East Asia and Southeast Asia.

During the discussion, Hassan Wirajuda said that the center of global order is shifting from the West to Asia. In 2004, the ASEAN Plus Three (APT) summit established the East Asian Community (EAC) as the long-term goal for regional cooperation. In 2005, Hassan Wirajuda participated in organizing the first East Asia Summit (EAS), which was attended by the heads of state and government leaders of the ten ASEAN countries and 16 countries including China, India, Japan, South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. In recent years, Asian countries have engaged in close cooperation and signed many economic and trade agreements. In the future, the focus of cooperation should also emphasize cultural exchanges and understanding of each other’s laws and cultures. To this end, after stepping down as Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, Hassan Wirajuda founded the Indonesia School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP) to train international diplomatic talents.

CCG President briefed Hassan Wirajuda on the recent achievements of CCG in Track II diplomacy. Wirajuda said that in the future, think tanks from Indonesia and ASEAN countries could collaborate with Chinese think tanks to promote dialogue among East Asian and Southeast Asian countries, and actively participate in and facilitate multilateral dialogues among China, ASEAN, India, and the United States.

During the meeting, Indonesian Ambassador to China Djauhari Oratmangun expressed his hope to see continued good cooperation between Indonesian and Chinese think tanks. He also praised Wirajuda for his contributions to dialogue and exchange in Asia in his diplomatic and think tank roles. He said that he would concluding his tenure in next year, the Ambassador to China since 2018, returning to Indonesia and hoping to continue contributing to the enhancement of Indonesia-China relations in the future. Before coming to China, Djauhari Oratmangun once served as the Indonesian Ambassador to Russia.

Dr. Hassan Wirajuda (born July 9, 1948 in Tangerang, Indonesia) was the Foreign Minister of Indonesia from 2001 to 2009. He was also a member of the Presidential Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia from 2009 to 2014. He recently co-founded the Indonesia School of Government and Public Policy and is the editor-in chief of Strategic Review: The Indonesian Journal of Leadership, Policy and World Affairs.
