Director of the International Department, JYC Law Firm
Director of the International Department of JYC Law Firm;
LLB and LLM of International Law of China University of Political Science and law;
Former investigation officer of the Trade Remedy Bureau of the MOFCOM;
Former investigation officer of the Industrial Damage Investigation Bureau (now the Bureau of Safety and Control) of the MOFCOM;
She has many years of experience in international trade remedy investigations. She participated in the drafting of China’s first anti-circumvention investigation system, participated in the revision of multiple laws and regulations related to trade remedy investigations, and presided over many major anti-dumping, countervailing and safeguard measures investigations. The current scope of practice focuses on export control and economic sanctions, and the establishment of corporate compliance systems. Meanwhile, Yin Ning has also accumulated rich experience in the field of data compliance including building corporate data compliance management systems, identifying corporate data processing risks and regulatory responses, and assisting with data export-related assessments and certifications, etc.