New York: CCG Delegation’s First Stop in the US on its Post-Pandemic Global Engagement Trip
Despite facing some of the greatest challenges in the past four decades, China-US relations will remain the world’s most consequential bilateral relationship in the foreseeable future. Strategic competition between the two countries has intensified amid emerging problems ranging from economic headwinds to an ongoing conflict in Ukraine. In these turbulent times, there’s been an increasing call for the world’s two largest economies to work together to clear a path towards global recovery.
Now more than ever, it is imperative that cross-Pacific people-to-people exchange, in particular Track II diplomacy between think tanks be renewed. CCG experts kicked off the US leg of their global tour on June 28th in New York. CCG Delegation members included CCG Founder and President Dr. Henry Huiyao Wang, CCG Co-Founder and Secretary-General Dr. Mabel Miao and CCG Vice President and Senior Fellow Mike H. Liu.

On June 29, CCG’s delegation visited the organizing committee of the Bloomberg New Economy Forum at Bloomberg’s headquarters where they met with Editor-at-Large Erik Schatzker, Senior Advisor Justin Finnegan; Editors Nisid Hajari and Max Lu and discussed themes and future cooperation for the forum.
On June 30, CCG experts met with the National Committee on United States-China Relations (NCUSCR) and other veterans of the US think tanks. NCUSCR’s President and Vice-President, Steve Orlins and Jan Carol Berris, welcomed CCG’s representatives. They discussed how China and the US could cooperate on global issues, including sustainable development, economy, and trade.
During the day, the delegation visited the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and met with Daniel Kurtz-Phelan, Editor of Foreign Affairs and Peter G. Peterson Chair at the Council on Foreign Relations. CCG delegates also engaged with Ian Johnson, Stephen A. Schwarzman senior fellow for China studies at CFR in a subsequent meeting.

Later that day, CCG experts joined the SupChina CEO Dinner where guests included John Thornton, Chair Emeritus of The Brookings Institution and Co-Chair of the Asia Society along with more than 20 proment members of New York’s business and intellectual circles. CCG President Dr. Henry Huiyao Wang delivered a keynote speech on the developments in the China-US economic and trade relations in the recent years. Participants exchanged views on China-US trade, economic globalization, two-way investments, people-to-people exchanges and other issues.

On July 1, CCG’s delegation visited Daniel Russel, Vice President of the Asia Society Policy Institute (ASPI) and former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Their discussions revolved around China-US relations, multilateral trade and the Indo-Pacific Strategy.

Later that day, CCG experts attended a luncheon hosted by the America China Public Affairs Institute (ACPAI) where participants included Shipeng Li, Vice Consul General of the Chinese Consulate General in New York; Xi Shen, Consul; Susan Elliot, NCAFP President and CEO and former US Ambassador to Tajikistan; Fred Teng, ACPAI Executive President; as well as Oscar Tang, Co-Founder of Committee 100. Discussions touched on the significance of China-US people-to-people exchanges and how these two countries can work to alleviate tensions.
In the same day, CCG’s delegation visited the United Nations Headquarters in New York and met with Assistant Secretaries-General Maria Francesca Spatolisano and Navid Hanif as well as Daniela Bas, Director of the Division for Inclusive Social Development at the UN Department of Economic and Social Affairs. During the visit, CCG experts presented the ‘Global Young Leaders Dialogue (GYLD)’ program, CCG’s partnership with the UN in China and UN Women China regarding multilateralism, climate change and biodiversity, gender equality and women’s empowerment as well as the multiple editions of the biennial World Migration Report co-released by CCG and the International Organization for Migration. The group discussed CCG’s UN ECOSOC consultative status and its work under the framework of the 2030 Agenda. The two Assistant Secretaries-General extended an invitation to CCG to carry out events and present research at the United Nations Headquarters.
CCG Delegation also met with Rick Niu, President of the Committee of 100 (NY), President & CEO of Starr Strategic Holdings, LLC.
On July 2, CCG experts joined a lunch engagement with senior members of the US media industry, including Norman Pearlstine, Time’s Chief Content Officer, Los Angeles Times’ Executive Editor, Wall Street’s Managing Editor, and Chairman of Bloomberg Businessweek. CCG President Dr. Henry Huiyao Wang also accepted an exclusive interview with Russell Flannery, Senior Editor and the Shanghai bureau chief of Forbes magazine.
CCG is a leading non-governmental Chinese think tank ranked among the world’s top 100 think tanks in the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Think Tank Index. After nearly three years’ hiatus, this ice-breaking international trip made by CCG expert delegation aimed to reinvogorate its unique think tank diplomacy mission. The series of track-two dialogues and discussions held in New York came at a crucial point where both countries are facing unprecedented uncertainties while face to face exchanges worldwide have been sharply curtailed by Covid-19. CCG’s active engagement with international think tanks provides a critical window for experts and stakeholders in the bilateral relationship to boost communication and foster multural understanding. The trip has been well-received by the think tank’s counterparts, peers and associates in New York and widely hailed as lifting hopes for the resumption of person-to-person exchange between China and the US.
[CCG World Tour]
CCG Delegation of Experts Visits Singapore
New York: CCG Delegation’s First Stop in the US on its Post-Pandemic Global Engagement Trip