MCI | Distinguished Guest Livetalk | Huiyao (Henry) WANG
October 28 , 2021
MCI Distinguished Guest Livetalk met Huiyao (Henry) WANG, Founder & President of Center for China and Globalization, Beijing, China and Europe.

Fear and prejudice must be reduced
Wang emphasizes the long tradition of friendship that exists between Austria and China and should serve as a foundation for the future. The tensions between the U.S. and China in particular make the friendly relationship between China and Europe all the more important. “Europe has an important role to play as a mediator,” Wang expressed his conviction in the interview. Especially in the exchange of students, Wang sees enormous potential here to link European culture and Chinese culture. Europe is already the second largest destination for Chinese exchange students. “Dialogues are particularly important,” Wang explains. “It’s the only way we can learn from each other,” he adds.
Wang sees obstacles in fears and prejudices in the other culture. The geographical distance is not very helpful in this regard. Topics such as human rights in particular split the two societies, as the definition of human rights is understood and interpreted differently in the two cultures. At the same time, Wang and Manske-Wang repeatedly emphasize how hindering the lack of communication and misinformation between the two cultures are to economic development.
What the future will bring
With the rapid growth of the middle class in China, the East Asian country will continue to occupy the global economy for decades to come. Here in particular, Wang and Manske-Wang recommend reducing prejudices or fears about Chinese culture through improved communication and information flow.

Wang sees the climate crisis as an opportunity for improved communication. The crisis affects us all and can only be fought together. That is why it is all the more important to act together here.
Dr. Huiyao (Henry) WANG is the Founder and President of Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a leading Chinese non-government think tank that ranked among top 80 think tanks in the World. Dr. Wang is also an adviser to the Chinese government, having been appointed as Counselor to China State Council, China’s Cabinet by Chinese Premier in 2015. Dr. Wang is a thought leader on China and globalization, global governance, global trade and investment, global migration and talent flows, China’s international relations and China-U.S. trade relations.
Dr. Wang has a BA degree in English and American Literature from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies and completed his graduate studies at University of Windsor, the University of Western Ontario and University of Manchester, obtaining an MBA and a PhD in international management.
He later undertook further training at Harvard Business School and was appointed as a Senior Fellow at Harvard Kennedy School. Dr. Wang was also a Visiting Fellow at Brookings Institution, a Senior Fellow at the Asia-Pacific Foundation of Canada, and a Policy Fellow of IZA Institute of Labour Economics. He has taught as an adjunct professor at Peking University, Tsinghua University, and University of Western Ontario. He has published over 80 books and more than 100 articles and papers in both Chinese and English on global trade, global governance, global migration, talents mobility, China outbound and inbound investment, Chinese Diasporas and Chinese think tanks.
Dr. Wang is frequently invited to speak at prestigious international events, such as Davos World Economic Forum, Munich Security Conference, Paris Peace Forum, WTO Public Forum, Munk Debate, China Development Forum, Berlin Foreign Policy Forum and Milken Global Forum, Astana Club Meeting, Athens Democracy Forum amongst others.