Expert Views
Mario Cavolo: West playing old political game in Ukraine
If the US and its NATO allies were truly interested in resolving the Ukraine crisis, they would be doing far more than punishing innocent Ukraine civilians and encouraging people in the US and other Western countries to boycott Russian products, services and artists.
April 08 , 2022 -
Mario Cavolo: Letting politics disturb Games insults athletes
As someone who has lived in China for 22 years, I am glad to see the Chinese government and the International Olympic Committee resist such childish antics, upholding the Olympic spirit and showcasing the better side of humanity by creating the right atmosphere for the athletes to make their best efforts and overcome all odds, even if they don't win medals.
March 14 , 2022 -
Mario Cavolo: Dangerous to sensationalize ‘Wuhan lab leak theory’
"Wuhan lab leak theory" is an example of information being broadly and aggressively disseminated in Western mainstream media.
August 09 , 2021 -
Mario Cavolo: China has achieved remarkable accomplishments unseen in all of human history
As a guest on a recent TV talk show, I declared that China is in the sweet spot. In the past, Europe expanded and then it was the US, and now it is China’s time in the Sun. This is what I think about on the occasion of the CPC’s centenary celebration.
July 06 , 2021