CCG Achievements in 2019
November 29 , 2019
With the end of the year approaching, it’s time to vote for the University of Pennsylvania’s Global Go To Think Tank Index. As you may know, CCG was ranked as one of the top 100 think tanks last year .This year, we have made some significant contributions to the think tank community and further our mission of promoting greater opening and integration of China to the world, as well as sharing China wisdom with the world. As such, we hope you can support us and Think Tank Index by casting a vote for the best think tank of the year. Here are some of our accomplishments this year, and have maybe three to five bullet points.
In 2019, CCG’s impact has continued to grow, with significantly increased reach in research, policy promotion and social impact compared to last year. CCG is evaluated as the highest ranked non-governmental think tank in China among the other domestic rankings.
1. International visits: Roundtable discussions and keynote speeches
Focusing on key trends and international issues, CCG organized a series of “CCG Roundtable Discussions” to share insights. Participants included:
Jonathan T. Fried, personal representative of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau for the G20,former Canadian Ambassador to the WTO
Chee Hong Tat, Singaporean senior minister of State for Trade, Industry and Education
Denis Redonnet, director for WTO, Legal Affairs and Trade in Goods in the European Commission’s DG Trade
Kenneth Weinstein, president and CEO of the Hudson Institute and member of the US Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations
Thomas Friedman, New York Times columnist and author of The World is Flat
Mary Ng, Canada’s minister for Small Business and Export Promotion
At the same time, government officials, experts, international institutions and scholars from different countries delivered speeches at CCG, including:
Simon Birmingham, Australian minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment
Kevin Rudd, former Australian prime minister
Alan Wolff, deputy director-general of the WTO
Lawrence Summers, former Treasury Secretary and President of Harvard University
Graham Allison, former dean of the Harvard Kennedy School of Government Professor
Ziad Bahaa-Eldin, former deputy PM of Egypt
Danny Alexander, vice president and corporate secretary at the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB)
Pascal Lamy, former WTO director-general and president of Paris Peace Forum
Vincent Price, president of Duke University
2. International impact has grown in 2019
Participating in international conferences and holding events
CCG has been active in the international community this year, attending numerous international conferences and holding seminars, often as the only non-governmental Chinese think tank or institution present,including the 55th Munich Security Conference (MSC),the Davos World Economic Forum Annual Meeting ( 2019 ) , MSC Core Group Meetings in Cairo and Doha, the Paris Peace Forum, the 2019 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting, The Economist World Trade Symposium (2019), the Rhodes Forum (2019) , The New York Times Athens Democracy Forum ( 2019 ), 2019 Bloomberg New Economy Forum, T20 Summit 2019, the fifth annual meeting of the Astana Club.

Among many qualifications ,CCG has been granted “Special Consultative Status” by the Economics and Social Council of United Nation (ECOSOC),being the only think tank in China who has been recognized by UN. On May 17, the second round of the Silk Spice Road Dialogues convened in Beijing at the UNDP China office with the UNDP, CCG and Himalayan Consensus as the co-hosts.

On April 14, CCG, PRC Ministry of Commerce China Association of International Economic Cooperation (CAIEC) and United Nations China (UN China), in partnership with the Academy of Contemporary China and the World Studies (ACCWS), jointly held the 5th Annual China and Globalization Forum.
H.E. Nicholas Rosellini, UN Resident Coordinator in China
Track II Diplomacy
In addition to participating and holding events at international conferences, CCG expert delegations visited several think tanks,research institutions, U.S. Department of Commerce , Chinese Embassy in the US , US Chamber of Commerce, US-China Business Council(USCBC) and National Foreign Trade Council (NFTC), as part of Track II Diplomacy activities in the US. The trip included two stops, New York City and Washington, allowing CCG to promote new academic and non-governmental exchanges between China and the US. Furthermore, CCG visited UN to explore ways to promote sustainable development.
New channels to enhance mutual understanding
China-US tensions have drawn more attention this year. CCG President Wang Huiyao was invited to participate in televised 2019 Munk Debates in Canada with three other leading international thinkers on the theme of “Is China a threat to the liberal international order?” CCG was on the front lines debating issues at the heart of the trade war, making contributions as a globally-focused Chinese organization sharing Chinese perspectives with the world and aiding mutual understanding between China, the US, and across the world.
3. New reports and books CCG released in 2019
Reports CCG released in 2019 include a report series on China’s globalization and inbound and outbound tourism, CPTPP, New Opportunities for China in Future Free Trade, Prospects for China-US Trade: Seeking a rational resolution via the “Argentina Consensus”, The data revolution: how china can capture the digital trade opportunity at home and abroad, and Reforms of Chinese Visa Policy Hope to Rebalance the Tourist Deficit.
Books published throughout the course of this year include China’s Domestic and International Migration Development, as well as the Handbook on China and Globalization.
During the third Conference on Global Talent Mobility and International Migration, five books regarding China’s international migration and global talent governance were released, including Mobility and Governance: Global Talents, Migration and Migration Law; Migration and the 2030 Agenda: A Guide for Practitioners; Research Handbook of International Talent Management; The Rule of Law on Overseas Chinese Affairs and Oral History of Returned Overseas Chinese (Jinan).
4. CCG hosted a series of global events

Throughout the year, CCG continued to international forums to facilitate policy formulation and exchange of ideas, including :
The Fifth Annual China and Globalization Forum,
The Fourth Annual China Global Think Tank Forum,
The Third Conference on Global Talent Mobility and International Migration
The 14th Western Returned Scholars Association Beijing Forum & 2019 Chinese Returned Scholars Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum
The 2019 China Inbound-Outbound Forum.
CCG Secretary
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