CCG Ranked China’s No. 1 Independent Think Tank
June 05 , 2019At the “Forum for Chinese Think Tank Governance” held on Dec. 17, 2016 in Nanjing University, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) is again ranked No. 1 China independent think tank and CCG Founder & President Wang Huiyao the best independent think tank administrator.
The report is jointly formulated by the Center for Chinese Think Tank Studies and Evaluation (CCTTSE) at Nanjing University and the Think Tank Research and Publishing Center of Guangming Daily, and based on an evaluation system developed by CCTTSE, China Think Tank Index (CTTI).
The system is composed of four primary categories: M (management structure), R (resources), P (products), A (activities), and 19 secondary indicators. Therefore, the evaluation report is named “the MRPA evaluation report of CTTI’s source think tanks”.
The first batch of 500 think tanks listed in CTTI source were recommended by the government agencies, universities, and self-nominated like CCG, and then voted online by an evaluation committee composed of think tank leaders, scholars, and media.
It is the third time this year CCG is ranked No. 1 independent think tanks in national and international ranking. In November, CCG was crowned the No. 1 independent think tank in the 2016 Chinese Think Tank Influence Report by Sichuan Academy of Social Science and Chengdu Library of the Chinese Academy of Sciences among 232 think tanks in China, including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.
In January, the 2015 Global Go To Think Tank Index compiled and released by the University of Pennsylvania Think Tank and Civil Society Program (TTCSP) also ranked CCG one of the world’s top 100 “think tanks to watch for”, the 7th top think tank and No.1 independent think tank in China.