Chen Jian
Former Vice Minister of CommerceChen Jian, Former Vice Minister of Commerce, Member of the CPPCC National Committee.
Mr. Chen Jian is the Former Vice Minister of Commerce. He began his career in May 1969. He
served successively in the Department of Political Affairs of the Ministry of Economic Relations with
Foreign Countries (MERFC), the Second Bureau of MERFC, the Economic Counselor’s Office of
the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Guinea-Bissau, and the Department of Personnel
and Education of the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade. From 1992, he served as
Economic and Commercial Counselor of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Argentina.
From 1994, he served successively as Assistant General Manager and Deputy General Manager of
China National Overseas Engineering Corporation. In 1998, he was appointed Director General of
the Department of Foreign Economic Cooperation of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation (MOFTEC). In July 2002, he was appointed Assistant Minister and member of the CPC
Leadership Group of MOFTEC and later the Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM). In March 2008, he
was appointed Vice Minister of Commerce and member of the CPC Leadership Group of MOFCOM.