CCG Publishes 2015 Top 50 Chinese Overseas Returnees on Innovation and Entrepreneurship

June 05 , 2019

The 17th Guangzhou Convention for Overseas Chinese Scholars in Science and Technology was held On Dec. 21-22, jointly by Ministry of Education, Ministry of Science and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Oversea Chinese Affairs Office, Western Returned Scholars Association Chinese Oversea Educated Scholars Association, Guangzhou Municipal Committee of China, and the People’s Government of Guangzhou Municipality. As a major event at the convention, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG)host a seminar on Chinese Oversea Returnees on Innovation and Entrepreneurship on Dec. 22. It was hosted by Li Jing, Deputy Secretary General of The Association for Chinese Oversea Returnees Services.

At the seminar, CCG’s Executive Secretary General Dr. Mabel Miao Lu released a list of “Top 50 Chinese Oversea Returnees on Innovation and Entrepreneurship” that CCG developed with the China Globalization Talents Society, to recognize the significant achievement those returned scholars made in their respective fields such as business, scientific research, academic study, media production and music. In particular, the report singled out Liqun Jing, Yigong Shi, Yingyi Qian, Daokui Li, Shiyi Chen, Yongnian Zheng, Yanhong Li, Nanpeng Shen, Shi Wang, Chaoyong Wang, Xiaoping Xu, Daqing Mao, Lan Yang, and Lang Lang.

As China promotes mass entrepreneurship and innovation, it witnesses the emergence of a great variety of new industries and business models, which has unleashed great vitality and creativity in society. By the end of 2014, the number of Chinese studying abroad has reached 3.52 million, and the number of overseas returnees hit 1.81 million. After living and working abroad for years, the overseas Chinese returnees have acquired broad international perspectives and global networks. Moreover, they possess extensive knowledge about science and technology, unique business insights and strong entrepreneurship, which make them a leading force in China’s social development driven by entrepreneurship and innovation.

Against this backdrop, the list of “Top 50 Chinese Overseas Returnees on Innovation and Entrepreneurship” was presented to honor their outstanding contributions and to encourage more elites to join and build the momentum. Among those on the list, there include senior official in international organizations, a Yale graduate and village chief in China’s underdeveloped area who was born in the 1980s, and a winner of the “Nature’s 10,” the 10 people that matter in the year selected by the Nature Magazine, a prominent British science publication. In addition, it includes the youngest expert for the “One Thousand Talents Plan” and a world-influential pioneer for innovative higher education, as well as business leaders in IT, venture investment, education, healthcare, and media.

As a new type of think tank dedicated to promoting the globalization of Chinese talents, CCG has persisted with studies on overseas Chinese student and published   multiple blue books on Chinese overseas returnees and Chinese studying abroad. In 2015, CCG’s research team conducted a study on “globalization of talent.” Through survey, interview and seminar discussion, they collected nearly 200 case studies of oversea returnees who engage in innovation and entrepreneurship. After a whole year of analysis and review, CCG scholars and experts selected the top 50 Chinese overseas returnees on innovation and entrepreneurship, based on evaluation of the innovativeness, impact, representativeness and social benefits of their achievements.

According to CCG President Dr. Wang Huiyao, the list is developed based on not only the year-long research in 2015 but also many years of tracking study of Chinese overseas returnees. He believes that Chinese students abroad and oversea returnees will be a valuable asset to China’s effort to become an innovative country. They can also make great contribution to the One Belt, One Road strategy, public diplomacy, among many other initiatives.

Top 50 Chinese Oversea Returnees on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (full list)
Bai Chun Li
  President of China Academy of Sciences
Cai Chongxin  Executive Vice President of Alibaba Group, Inc
Chen Ou  Founder &CEO of
Chen Shiyi   Principle of South University of Science and Technology of China
Deng Xingwang  Managing Director ofBeijing Weimingxingwang Pioneering lab for System Design
Ding Lieming  Founder & CEO of Betta Pharmaceuticals Co.,Ltd
Guo Sheng     CEO of
Huang Jiefu     Deputy Director of The Central Healthcare Committee
Huang Junjiu    Associate Professor at Sun Yat-sen University
Jing Liqun       President-to-Be of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank
Lang Lang       World-Famous Pianist
Li Daokui(David)  Chair Professor of Economics and Dean of Schwarzman Scholars at Tsinghua University
Li Dongsheng  Deputy Dean of COMAC Shanghai Research Centern for Aircraft Designing
Li Yanhong     Founder, CEO & Managing Director of
Liang Jianzhang      CEO & Chairman of the Committee Board of
Liu Ke    Vice President of Haldor Topsoe
Liu  Qing    Vice President of Beijing Xiaoju Keji Co.,Ltd.
Lu  Gaoqing    Principal of University of Surrey
Lu Yingying    Specially Appointed Researcher at Zhejiang University College of Chemical and Biological Engineering
Mao Daqing      Founder of URWORK
Mo  Tianquan     Managing Director of
Pan  Jianwei    Chief Scientist of China Academy of Sciences QuantumMolecular Science Lab
Qian  Yingyi
  Dean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management
Qing Yuefei  Village Officier of Baiyun village in Hengshan County
Rao Yi    Director at IDG/McGovern Institute for Brain Research at Peking University
Shen  Nanpeng(Neil)    Founder and Executive Partner of Sequoia Capital
Shi  Yigong     Vice Principal of Tsinghua University
Tang Min    Vice Chairmanof YouChange China Social Enterprise Foundation
Tian  Suning    Managing Director of CBC-Capital
Wang  Chaoyong    Managing Director of China Equity Group
Wang  Shi    Founder & Chairman of Vanke Group
Wang Boqing   Founder of MyCos
Wang Junfeng  Chairman of King & Wood Mallesons
Xu Xiaoping(Bob) Founder of ZhenFund
Xue  Lan   Dean of School of Public Policy & Management at Tsinghua University
Yan Wangjia  Founder & CEO of Venustech Co,Ltd
Yang  Lan     Founder of Sun Media Group
Yang Haoyong  CEO & Co-Founder of
Yi  Min   MTR Corporation(China) Limited
Zhang Lei  Managing Director & Co-Founder of Hillhouse Capital
Zhang  Tao  Founder & CEO of
Zhang  Zhong   Tenured Professor at University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business
Zhang Hongli     Vice President at Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
Zhang  Jianwei   Senior Vice President of Bombardier,Inc
Zhang Yaqin    Vice  President of
Zhang Yichen  Managing Director & CEO of CITIC Capital
Zhao  Houlin  General Secretary of International Telecommunication Union
Zheng Yongnian   Dean of Asian Study Research Center at NUS
Zhou  Chenggang    President of New Oriental Education & Technology Group
Zhu Min    Managing Director at Cybernaut(China) Limited,Inc