Former Sinopec Chairman Fu Chengyu Joins CCG Advisory Committee

May 27 , 2019
The Center for China and Globalization hosts former Chairman of China Petroleum and Chemical Corp (Sinopec) Fu Chengyu at its headquarter on Jan. 10, 2017, and welcomed him to join CCG’s advisory committee.

The Center for China and Globalization hosts former Chairman of China Petroleum and Chemical Corp (Sinopec) Fu Chengyu at its headquarter on Jan. 10, 2017, and welcomed him to join CCG’s advisory committee.

At the meeting with CCG scholars and council members, Mr. Fu shares his insights about the current economic situation and reform. “Thanks to the reform and opening-up policy, China’s national power has significantly expanded in the past decades”, he says. One of the immediate outcome, as he believes, is the growing sense of national pride and rising voice in the international society.

However, the latest series of global events – “Occupy Wall Street” movement, Brexit and the Donald Trump’s election foretell the arrival of a new era of instability and uncertainties. Despite rapidly changing situation, China needs to maintain confidence and calmness to meet various challenges. Keeping in mind of our own national situation, China should stick to its own path instead of mechanically following the steps of other developed countries, he adds.

Fu reviews the key events in the history of the reform and opening-up policy and shared his in-person experience as the Sinopec leader. In addition, he exchanged with audience his ideas and opinion about state-owned enterprise reform and environmental protection policies.

Before Fu’s enlightening and inspirational speech, CCG President Wang Huiyao hands  him the appointment letter as CCG advisor, and in his closing remarks, he believes Fu’s experience and ideas will provide valuable input to CCG’s research on globalization, regional cooperation and world economy.