CCG celebrates 10th anniversary, looks forward to carrying on its mission in the coming decades

May 27 , 2019
CCG was created in 2008 with an aim to promote China’s role in the globalization. 10 years later, on the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening-up policy, CCG celebrates its 10th birthday with a strong drive to contribute more to think tank innovation and China’s globalization. On June 30, 2018, over 100 Chinese and international government officials, business leaders, and scholars, as well as foreign diplomats, gathered in Beijing at CCG’s anniversary reception to review its achievements in the past decade and discuss how to build a brighter future.

CCG was created in 2008 with an aim to promote China’s role in the globalization. 10 years later, on the 40th anniversary of the reform and opening-up policy, CCG celebrates its 10th birthday with a strong drive to contribute more to think tank innovation and China’s globalization. On June 30, 2018, over 100 Chinese and international government officials, business leaders, and scholars, as well as foreign diplomats, gathered in Beijing at CCG’s anniversary reception to review its achievements in the past decade and discuss how to build a brighter future.

On behalf of CCG, President Dr. Wang Huiyao expressed sincere gratitude and a warm welcome to all distinguished guests at the reception. He attributed CCG’s success in becoming a top-tier Chinese think tank to the Chinese government’s efforts to create a new type of think tank with Chinese characteristics and the tremendous support received from Chinese academic, business, and policymaking communities as well as international organizations and media. Dr. Wang believes that CCG, born at a timely juncture in China’s development, will contribute more Chinese wisdom to the world to promote globalization in the next decade.

Amb. Nicholas Rosellini, UN resident coordinator and UNDP resident representative, addressed the audience congratulating CCG’s achievements in the past decade. Citing pressing challenges such as poverty reduction, job creation, and trade and investment expansion, he emphasized the important role of think tanks in overcoming those issues and maintaining sustainable development. Amb. Rosellini also said that CCG has the potential to become a powerful and innovative partner to help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

In his speech, CCG Co-chairman and former Vice Foreign Affairs Minister He Yafei said that the past decade has seen profound changes in the international situation, partly due to struggle between forces for globalization and de-globalization, which has created challenges for global governance. Among new-type independent think tanks in China, CCG stands out for providing a great deal of constructive policy advice based on its in-depth research in global governance. Meanwhile, CCG has been actively engaged with international think tanks to share with the world China’s stories and ideas.

CCG Advisor and former President of Sinopec Fu Chengyu applauded CCG’s accomplishments but reminded the audience of difficulties that we may encounter in the next decade. From the 2008 financial crisis to the trade war US President Trump is threatening to wage against China, there have been many signs that the existing economic growth model is unsustainable. Given uncertainties facing the globalization process, Fu hopes that CCG can provide more effective advice to help China navigate through any potential turbulence.

CCG Senior Vice Chairman and founder of Vanke Corp Wang Shi recognized CCG’s leading role as an independent think tank, a notable achievement in China. Wang noted that CCG’s development is a direct result of China’s policy environment becoming more and more open. Moving forward, Wang called on CCG to fulfill its mission to share insights and ideas on how to cope with the changing international situation and build a community of common destiny.

CCG Academic Committee Advisor and Dean of Tsinghua University’s School of Public Policy & Management Prof. Xue Lan shared his views on CCG’s success factors, including its 1) unique strategic positioning as a think tank dedicated to the study of globalization; 2) innovative operation model; and 3) open management system. Prof. Xue said CCG’s achievements reflect the success of China’s reform and opening-up policy in the past 40 years and he predicted that the organization will continue to grow along with China’s national development.

Summing up the evening, CCG Vice President and Secretary General Miao Lu conveyed gratitude to all the guests. She acknowledged that when CCG was created 10 years ago, many people agreed that there was a need for such an organization but doubted whether one could survive in the complex political and cultural environment. Following CCG’s growth and development, over time, many former skeptics have also joined its cause. It is their support that enables CCG’s continued growth in terms of policy and social influence.

Many foreign diplomats attended the event, including ambassadors and counselors to China from Ireland, New Zealand, Finland, Denmark, Albania, Costa Rica, Australia, and France, as well as representatives from the International Organization for Migration (IOM) China office and EU Chamber of Commerce in China.

Over the past 10 years, CCG has been dedicated to policy advisory work in China and grown into a think tank with more than 100 full-time research and administrative staff. This includes many senior research fellows that were previously high-ranking officials in the ministries of commerce and foreign affairs, and many advisors who are well-known Chinese entrepreneurs. To date, CCG has published around 100 Chinese and English books and more than 500 newsletters in both languages. It has also organized nearly 1,000 public events such as forums, seminars, roundtable discussions, luncheons, press conferences and policy advisory events, involving almost 30,000 people in total. In addition, CCG has taken an active role in the Track II diplomacy, organizing nearly 100 events for visiting foreign scholars and other guests to help international society better understand China.