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CCG New Book The Challenge of “Going Out” released
This book, part of the prestigious Chinese Enterprise Globalization Series, which ispublished by the renowned international publisher Springer Nature, is now available worldwide. Edited by Dr. Henry Huiyao Wang and Dr. Mabel Lu Miao, this series is dedicated to the in-depth study of Chinese enterprises and their pivotal role in globalization.
September 14 , 2024 -
The President of the US-China Business Council: The Impact of Decoupling on US Employment
The transition in trade policy from the Trump era to the Biden era, while maintaining certain themes, will be very different. In terms of employment, the trade war caused job losses and the Phase One agreement and the elimination of tariffs on both sides will lead to job creation.
June 15 , 2022 -
Prospects for China-US Trade: Seeking a rational resolution via the “Argentina Consensus”
PDF Download
June 24 , 2019 -
CCG Report: China-US Trade Relations and Challenges: Past, Present, Future and Policy Options
PDF Download
September 25 , 2018 -
12 Suggestions for Building Stable, Balanced and Win-win Sino-US Relations Based on Key Finding of CCG Field Trip in US
As the 19th CPC National Congress was concluded, China will welcome Donald Trump on Nov. 8 to pay his first official state visit as the American president. Once again, the Sino-US summit meeting will attract tremendous attention from all over the world. To get more insights about the upcoming American presidential visit and strengthen the Sino-US think tank exchange, CCG conduted a field trip to the United States in October in New York and Washington, D.C.. The delegation visited multiple government agencies, NGOs, think tanks, and companies and met with many prominent policymakers, scholars and business leaders.
February 27 , 2018