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He Yafei: Decoupling won’t do any nation any good
Thanks to its fixation with China as a "major strategic competitor", the US administration's strategy of "decoupling" from China is in vogue in the United States. And the fact that the US-initiated trade war has permeated all aspects of Sino-US relationship means it has created even more uncertainty and unpredictability for the world's most important bilateral relationship in the foreseeable future.
December 14 , 2019 -
Wang Huiyao: US makes vain attempt to win trade war
The day after the 12th round of Sino-US trade talks concluded on July 31 in Shanghai, the United States administration announced it would impose 10 percent tariffs on another $300 billion of Chinese goods starting Sept 1, ignoring the fact that the two sides had called the talks "constructive" and agreed to hold the next round of talks in Washington. Not content with that, the US administration later labeled China a "currency manipulator" to put "maximum pressure" on China in order to achieve its selfish, narrow goals.
August 21 , 2019 -
Trade frictions need rational settlements
China and the United States should take the precious opportunities offered by the current G20 Summit in Osaka, Japan, to explore rational solutions to end trade friction between them, according to a recent report released by the Center for China and Globalization (CCG), a Beijing-based thinktank.
June 28 , 2019 -
On the eve of crucial China-US summit, new CCG report maps a way out of trade dispute
Chinese and US leaders are about to meet at the G20 to try and resolve the damaging trade war. At this critical moment, on June 27, the Center for China and Globalization (CCG) released the latest in a series of reports on the China-US trade war, entitled Prospects for China-US Trade: Seeking a rational resolution via the “Argentina Consensus”. Based on analysis of China-US economic relations and the impact of the trade war, the report offers concrete solutions to find a way out of the dispute.
June 27 , 2019 -
He Weiwen: The “America First” Trade Policy is Hurting America
The “America First” trade policy has only resulted in two direct outcomes: increasing trade-related tensions between the US and its major trading partners, and threatening the global trading system. On February 27, 2018 the US Trade Representative published a report entitled “Putting America First: The President’s 2018 Trade Policy Agenda” (hereafter referred to as “The Agenda”), which begins with: “Ladies and Gentlemen, it’s time to declare our economic independence once again.”
June 11 , 2019